Ice Skating

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Hello traveller, it seems you have come back for another quest into the mystic land of fanfiction. Not to worry, there aren't Dragons where you're going-instead, a cute fedora wearing band member that is a part of an amazing band: Fall Out Boy. The journey starts with a cute heart-felt story of a nice November day, shall we get started?
"Y/N, hurry up" Patrick called from the living room to you in the bathroom where you were fixing your hair, "You said it's going to be a special night, I don't want to look like hobo when you bring me to some fancy place," You say pinning your hair up in a fancy bun. Patrick giggled and continued flipping through news channels- shooting sprees, murder, suicide, and even animal abuse - nothing new, all bad things. Definatley not sugar- coated. Patrick stands up and starts walking down the hallway to the bathroom, where you were, just when you were coming out, "Ready?" He says with a smile and you nod. He takes your hand and opens the front door for you, you both get in the car and start driving down the street to the mystery place Patrick had planned you two's date- yes, a date.

Patrick parked the car and opens the passenger door for you. You smile and kiss him on the cheek, you take his hand and start walking to the cold skating arena- the mystery place Patrick had mentioned a week ago was a skating arena. You look at Patrick wide-eyed, but not with excitement, you were scared. You don't know how to ice skate. He giggles and looks at you, "I know you can't skate. That's exactly why I took you here" he says, practically reading your mind. You playfully punch Patrick's arm and he just laughs some more, "Oh, and you might need this" he says. He gives you a nice fluffy coat.
After you pay the tickets for the ice skates you sit down at a bench and start puting on the skates, actually, you just tried not even succeeding a bit. Patrick notices your struggling and starts to help you with the pesky shoes. "Thank you," you say quietly and blush out of embarrassment.

The two of you walk out to the ice rink and, again, try to skate. You ultimately fail and Patrick has to hold your hand until you finally get your balance.
Soon you and Patrick are- about as gracful as a goose on a bike- skating around the rink talking about everything that pops into your head. You didn't even know what Patrick really had planned for this date but you knew it was amazing so far. Maybe thirty minutes into this endless oval of ice skating Patrick says something that you've always kinda wanted to hear, "Y/N, do you know why I'm being so romantic this evening?" Patrick questions you, you shake your head and keep listening, "well, I've kind of wanted to ask you this the day I met you but I knew you'd say no" He chuckles and then takes you practically to the middle of the skating rink where some teenagers were skating around and doing amazing tricks. "Y/F/N (your full name) would you do-" you burst out laughing at him trying to keep balance on one knee. But you already knew what he was doing, he was kneeling and holding a small velvet box with a beautiful ring inside, he was purposing. Before he could finish his whole speech you sputtered out "yes, yes I will" Patrick smiled from ear to ear and stood up and kissed you. You swear you heard people clapping and whistling.
And you swear it was the best night of your life.
How was that my highness?
Okay no joke though I got this idea from when I saw the exact thing happening maybe four years back. It was so cute, I practically still remember what the couple looked like.
Okay, that's the end. Be sure to give me new ideas for some imagines! Also, I got a great idea from Stumphalicious (who is an amazing writer) to have maybe even you guys write an imagine and send it to me anonymous/unanonymous. So yea. Thanks for reading

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