You Stole My Oreos

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I got up groggily from my room and looked around the small living room. Harry my stepdad was asleep on the floor as usual probably already hung over. God I hate that man with every once of my being. All he ever does is drink our money down the toilet. I mean we were never rich to begin with but with the money I make from the coffee shop I work at down the street all of it goes to him and some of the rent of the house.

I walk towards the fridge to only be greeted with a flickering bulb and some expired cottage cheese. I sighed and stood up going to the bathroom and taking a long hot shower. Harry won't be up until after I go to school.  I let the water run all over my aching body. I can see the large gash from Harry's last episode on my stomach was starting to peel over.

I washed my hair and quickly stepped out of the shower and got dressed. I put on my white shirt with my leather jacket and some dark washed jeans. I grabbed my bag from in the kitchen and made sure I got my journal off of the table and sahoved it deep inside my bag so no one will be able to see it. I made my way to the bus stop I know it's real lame for a junior to be catching the bus but hey it's all I can afford I'm saving up for my first car. With Harry drinking the money down the drain I might not be able to get until I graduate.

I stopped at the bus stop and waited for the familar black and yellow bus to pull up. I dug around in my bag until i found a pack of oreos. Score! finally something to eat. I placed them down on the bench beside me searching if I could find money for lunch. I heard someone shuffle near me and I looked up to see a girl around 5'3 with long black hair that rached the middle of her back and a round face with full lips and a small nose with brown eyes. She looked at me and smiled her eyes crinkling in the corner. I saw her glance down but I was too focused on her lips until I saw her munching on an oreo. Wait a minute that's my oreo!

"Excuse but you just stole my oreos." I snapped at her rudely. She stared at me in shock but then shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat MY oreos. I snatched the pack from her and she raised her eyebrows at me. I grumbled about people eating my food and munched angrily on my oreos. She snatched them back from me and took the last one and plopped it into her mouth. I gaped at her and glowered now what was I going to eat.

"Sorry but I didn't see your name on em." She said her mouth full. I grimaced girls really shouldn't chew with their mouths open it's unattractive. I glared at her again my eyes almost narrowed to slits.

"Listen here you stupid bitch don't touch my shit unless you want to get hurt." I snarled at her. She gaped at me but then the bus pulled up and I angrily stepped on the bus and made my way to the back. The girl sat up in the front and I glared at the back of her head. Dumb bitch now what am I going to eat. I sighed my stomach grumbling loudly. I tried to cover it up but it was still noticeable. I heard a couple of freshmans giggle in front of me. I glared at them when they turned around and they scurried to look the other way.

Yeah people fear me in this school because of my reputation. Yeah you can call me the badass of the school it doesn't really matter to me but let me tell you this you cross me over or any of friends if you even try to show up me or my friends you better be able to handle what i'm going to do to you because hell will seem like paradise compared to what I'll put you through. The bus rolled to a stop infront of the school and everybody shuffled off the bus and walked to the entrance of my high school Haven High.

"Here goes another awful first day." I mumbled getting off the bus and walked towards the entrance. I opened my bag and pulled out my schedule. First period was english second was math. Ughhhh I had Mr. Pilos again didn't they understand not to put me with him again. The last time I was in his class I ended up stappling his tie to the desk and trashing his room while he stuttered incoherently. It was his own damn fault he told I wasn't going to be anything in life pssshhh yea coming from a guy that barely makes minimum wage as it is.

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