Getting to know Toriel better

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Toriel took care of me very well. She was like a mother to me! "I didn't catch your name by the way my child."She said. "Oh! I'm Aly."I told her. "Aly, beautiful name."She smiled. "I have another with me, his name is Frisk. But he went to Snowdin."She said the last 5 words sadly. "Snowdin..?"I tilted my head. "Yes. He said he is brave enough to survive his own."She said. "Hm.. May I go to Snowdin?"I asked. "Yes child. But, may we spend at least a day together before you go?"She asked. "Of course!"I smiled and she smiled back.

Toriel took me to her home. "It's nice here!"I said. Toriel giggled. "I've lived here for quite a while. It's a nice place."She said and went to the kitchen. I followed her. She took some stuff out of the cupboards and put then on the counter. "Whatcha making?"I asked and stood by her side. "Do you like cinnamon?"She looked at me. "Yep!"I nodded. "I'm making Cinnamon pie."She smiled while putting some flour into a bowl. "Ooh! I like cinnamon pie!"I licked my lips. "That's a good thing to hear."She put some eggs in, then the rest of the ingredients. She out the batter into a pan, then the oven. "Give it some time to bake. I'll get you when its ready."She told me that as I nodded. I went into the living room and grabbed a book off the shelf. I started reading.

Toriel came to get me. "Pie is ready my child."She said smiling. "Yay!"I got up and went to the kitchen. The kitchen smelt like cinnamon. "Mmm!"I sniffed and looked at the pie that was sitting on the counter. Toriel cut it into eights, then put a piece on a plate. She gave me the plate as I took it. I sat down and grabbed the fork that Toriel gave me. I started to eat the piece of pie. It was delicious!

I was soon done eating the pie. I yawned. "Getting tired?"Toriel asked with a sweet smile. I nodded. She led me to the room I was going to sleep in. "Well.."Toriel took me to the bed as I layed down, and she tucked me in. "Goodnight my child."She gave me a kiss on the forehead. She turned off the light and closed the door. "Night Toriel..."I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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