CBS x Reader

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Requested by VexDeathmoon! LOVE TEH USERNAME :DD

"Sup mah homies" You waved to everyone very cheerfully. 

"Sup" You heard the guys say. 

"Im going to go outside, bye homies!" 

"Bye..." God these guys are like zombies. You continued to walk outside and when you did meet the outdoors, you smelled the air and started to walk to the woods that are not very far from here. You were first walking, then jogging, soon running, then sprinting. You never been in those woods and you want to see whats inside them! You were finally at the woods and then caught your breathe from all the activity. 

You finished catching your breathe and then walked inside the woods grabbing a huge branch on the muddy floor. 

"YOU SHA'LL NOT PASS!" You said to air. You laughed at yourself and then continued to explore. As you were walking you got the feeling that someone was watching you. You looked around your area to see nobody. Just air. You had a weird expression on your face and continued to walk. You saw a huge rock and wanted to climb it in the distance. You grinned and then ran to it.

You finally made your way to the huge rock and as you were going to put your foot on it, someone grabbed you. You gasped.

"LET GO OF ME!" You screamed. You forgot. You had your branch! Your beautiful, huge branch! You got held of your branch tightly and *BAM* you hit the person on the top of the head. You heard a deep grunt from the person.

"Bloody hell sheila!" That accent!

"Sniper?" You asked the person.

"No ya bloody wanka!" The person stood up and brushed himself. This bitch had snipers looks except for the thought he had a beard and a thin mustache. He also had a black vest and a darker red shirt with a different logo on the shoulder area of the shirt.

"Who the hell are you?" You asked.

"Christian Brutal Sniper, CBS for short" He stuck out his hand. You grabbed it and shook it firmly. 

"Yer a tough sheila, I loike that~" He started to circle around you.

"Bitch you do anything to me! I WILL RIP THAT MUSTACHE OFF OF YOU AND MAKE YOU EAT IT!" You gave him a innocent smile after that as if you didn't say that. CBS looked shock.

"Feisty too, I love it~" He moved closer.

"Oh no bro" You tried to push him, but he was heavier than you. Bitch moved closer and closer and closer. You were finally face-to-face with this guy. He grinned.

"WHAT YOU GRINNING AT!" You smacked him. He chuckled as if you didn't just hit him.

"Ya can't hurt me sheila, I'm... special" You grinned a bit.

"Special ed?" BOOM BITCH! His eyes widened, but he laughed a bit.

~Time skip to like 5 weeks later~

You and CBS are now really close and you actually grew feelings for him. Today was the day you were going to tell him.

"Hey um, Brutal?" You asked.

"Ye?" He looked at you confusedly. You blushed and opened your mouth.

"Brutal, I have feelings for you..." He looked at you. You frowned at first, but when you saw him grin you smiled a bit.

"I could say the same for you luv~" You smiled. He then pulled you in into a kiss.

"Your mah bitch now" You hugged him.

"Nah, your moi bitch" He hugged back

END o3o

Here you go guys! I hope you enjoyed this one-shot and request some more one-shots!  

TF2 One-Shots :3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora