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a/n: this idea tugs on my heart, and this is where ive come to discover the secrets of the world. my world. your world. the world. theres all different things. and im here to describe the feeling you get when you think the love you feel for someone is pointless, when its really not.

this story (and this will really be your only warning, unless the plot changes) will include gay things and lots of tears. this isn't a depressing story, but a true one. not that there aren't truthful, depressing stories. ive written many of them. published a few. this is not one.

this is boys discovering they want to kiss their best friends, and this is the story of how it feels for someone to tell stories through something they don't actually speak with. this is how it goes.

and i believe that life is just prologues until you get to the good stuff. so, how college works isn't something im aware of. if youre in college, hit me up!! that sounds so bad, but please.

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