Chapter 6|| The End of Treta

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Mandy's mom and dad dragged her out of the barn and Sam could her hear parents scream,"Had it not been that sweet little Treta who told us about this place and your stupid little plan... Oh my... Young lady, you are grounded for two months! No leaving the house except school. Your phone will be confiscated for a week in addition." Sam could hardly process that piece of information when his parents started to drag him away from the barn too. "What are you even thinking?" Sam's mother said to Sam," I told you not to hang out with those two idiots' daughter and you still went ahead? You stole money from the bank and even wanted to run away? Are you mentally unstable? Why are you doing this? We have given you everything you want and now you want to treat us like this and rebel us? You are grounded for two months, a week without the phone." As Sam and Mandy were walking home that day, only one thing was on their minds. Treta is gonna pay big freaking time.
For the next week, Sam and Mandy only had lunch time to talk to each other, where they discuss how they were going to make Treta pay for ruining their plan to run away and just to have fun like normal rebellious teens do.
Whenever Treta approached them, they would give her the middle finger and storm off.
Their plan was in a mess. Their lifes were also in a mess. All the hard work they put in had gone to waste. Every single freaking thing is a mess.
When Sam and Mandy got their phones back, they were texting each other non-stop, trying to regain their momentum and just try to redo their plan for another time. They have decided that when they were grounded, they would try to secure their plan, so that Treta would not go and totally destroy it again. It is very safe to say that Sam and Mandy both hate Treta with a passion to their point that they were going to show their more violent side.

When the grounding was over.

Yes. The plan is not going to flop. They were going to take care of Treta. Forever.
At the break of dawn, they crept carefully into Treta's room and kidnapped her, putting her into a rucksack, and gagging her.
They dragged her away to the barn. They released her from the sack and started tying her up. "Not so puny anymore, huh." Sam grinned maliciously at Treta.
They decided that they were going to end this. End. Treta. Mandy took a meat cleaver out of her bag. "Years of bullying; this is the outcome. You thought we could be pushed around? We are unfair people. When we feel like it, our punishments can be pretty gory and well, painfully painless." Mandy laughed evilly. The fear in Treta's eyes were real. Genuine, raw fear. That only made the crazy and demented parts of Sam and Mandy grow so much. Mandy took the meat cleaver, and in one swift motion, chopped of Treta's head, blood pooling on the dried mud. Of course, they made sure the wore gloves and all those other precautionary measures. Finally,
The buried her deep into the dried mud, her head, a few metres away from her body. Satisfying blood stained their gloves. "Tomorrow is the unofficial last day of school for us." Sam said to Mandy, and they had a gentle kiss before going back home.

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