candice| contaminated tissues

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I APOLOGIZE FOR ALMOST KILLING YOU. It was not exactly the first impression I wanted to make. I saw the sentimental gesture done in a movie once-- the whole peanut butter on lips thing. It worked swell. I assume allergies do not exist in romance movies of this era. I remember riding in the ambulance with you twelve years ago more vividly than I remember the events of this year. I conclude that you will always remember the day you meet your best friend.

Currently, I am sobbing in bed lying in heaps of my own germs because of this idiotic movie that tears my heart out my chest and pounds it with a metaphoric hammer. Six tissue boxes later and I am still in the same tragic position. How pathetic am I. This whole writing down notes to each other concept is never going to work. My handwriting is not discernable and I apologize for that. Bless the tree that created this piece of paper that shall now be thrown into the bin of lost hopes, dreams, two day old burgers, and used tissues that I am not immersed in currently. I shall express my atonement by starting over tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be adequate enough to send to you, Jaxon.

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