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Hey it's Sam. Thank you for all the wonderful comments. If you haven't read "trust is a hard thing" you should really read it *wink*wink... anyway here's another chapter. And btw the picture is a spoiler for the end of this chapter. Love y'all ~Sam

Abby drives toward Emerson's house on the far side of town wiping tears from her eyes.


"Hey it'll be okay. Jake will be fine." Emerson tells Abby as they are sit on Emerson's couch.

Abby leans on his shoulder. "The funny thing I don't care. Ever since I met you, I don't know. I just feel like me and Jake aren't that close. Me and you on the other hand."

"Listen. If you want to when Jake comes back, we tell him we fell in love and We get our own place or you could Just move into here with me. Have a Big outside wedding. Kids. Anything you want. I love you Abby."

"I love you too." Said Abby as she kisses him.

Emerson deepens the kiss, pushing Abby to lay down on the couch.

"Whoa."Abby said pushing him off, "do we need to take this to the bedroom?" She joked.

Both members chuckle.

Present Day

Abby slams on her brakes at the busy intersection, but she was too late. She slammed into the cars. Causing horns go off and brakes get slammed.

Abby felt the airbag go off, but then passed out.

6 hours later

Abby groaned in pain as she gained consciousness.

"Ow. That hurts." Abby groaned.

"So. I'm curious. What were you thinking about when you caused a wreck in the busiest intersection inside Los Angeles?"

Abby jerked her head over at the man speaking to her.

"Newbie. Didn't think I would have to see your face till at least tomorrow."

"I love the humor. Really. Quite witty. You're lucky the person you ran into is not pressing charges."

"First good thing that has happened to me today." Abby chuckled.

"Actually it's the second."

"Excuse me?" Abby asks.

"First good thing that happened to you today was meeting me," he smirked.

Abby rolled her eyes.

"What? You're the only one who can be witty."

"Yeah. That's right newbie." Abby said.

"You know I have name."

Abby turns her head back toward the ceiling, "I don't care."

"Of course you don't. You're broken. You don't care about anyone but yourself."

"Shut. Up." Abby says.

"Fine. See you tomorrow morning 8:00 in Jaha' s office. Oh and Abby. Please don't be late." Kane says walking out.

"I hate him. Absolutely, no questions asked hate him." Abby said to herself."

Abby gets checked out of the hospital and calls a taxi to take her home.

She pulls out her cellphone and calls her best friend, "hey callie it's me, Abby"

"Abby! Long time no see. We should catch up some time. Maybe a coffee." Callie rattles off on the other end of the phone.

Abby rolls her eyes as her friend talks on and on. "How about a drink? Tonight. 6:00. Bar on 24th street."

"Oh. Yeah a....a....d..drink would be nice," callie stutters. "Hey are you okay?"

"See you there Callie." Abby hangs up.

"Friends, huh?" The taxi driver said.

"You have no idea," Abby said laughing.

"I think I might Abigail," the taxi driver responds.

Abby' s face goes white, "how do you know my name. I didn't tell you."

"Trust me. I know you better than you know yourself." The taxi driver says adjusting his mirror, where Abby can see his face.

"Emerson." Abby says unlocking her door trying to get out.

"Don't bother. The door has a safety lock." Emerson says driving out of the city.

"What do you want?" Abby asks him.

"I think you know the answer to that." Emerson says.

"Well, keep looking, cause you're not getting that." Abby says.

"I know. Which is why I came for something else." Emerson pauses, then continues, "I need all of Jake's records."

Abby shakes her head as Emerson says, "hospital visits. Birth and death records. Drivers license. Passport.employment resume. Baby books. Anything that is proof that he is....Well was alive. Anything that proves he is a real person and that he existed at some point."

"No. You son of a-"

"Listen. These aren't my orders. They're orders directly from Cage. So don't get ticked at me."

"Take me back to the city right now." Abby demanded.

"Will you give me the records?"

Abby sighs, "fine. Yeah I'll give them to you."

Emerson sighs, "I wish I could believe you. I'm sorry. Say goodbye to Los Angeles."

Meanwhile at the bar

Marcus and Jaha walk into the bar at 7:18.

Callie looks back at the people who entered the bar, hoping it was Abby. It wasn't.

"Jaha?" Callie stands up walking over to him.

"Callie. Whats it been 7 years?"

"Too long." Callie chuckles. She looks at Marcus. "Jaha..umm....who's your....uhhh.....f..friend?" Callie stutters at the amazing sight before her.

"Oh of course. Callie. Meet Marcus Kane. My new head of security. Marcus. This is the best, most honest reporter in the city, Callie Cartwig."

"Nice to meet you," callie says shaking his hand.

"Pleasure is all mine," Marcus returns the handshake.

"So callie," Jaha says, "what brings you to the bar?"

"Well, I was waiting for Abby, but she's over an hour late. Now if it was one of your dumb meetings, yeah I could see her being late. But she called me and wanted to have a night out. It just doesn't add up."

"Have you-" Marcus suggests.

"Called her? Yeah like a billion times. She's Not answering her phone or text messages."

"Thats weird." Jaha says.

"Is there anyone Who would like to get revenge on her for something? Or possibly an old flame?" Marcus suggests.

"Are you suggesting kidnap?" Callie asks.

"It's in the bowl." Jaha says.

Callie' s face turns white. "Jaha."

"What is it Callie?" Marcus asks.

Jaha has the same look on his face as Callie does.

"What Is it guys? What do you know that I don't?"

Jaha looks at Marcus, "before you came her husband Jake. he worked for me. he was killed by a rouge group. They called themselves the Mountain Men. It's been about 10, 12 years ago. One guy of the Mountain Men could be a suspect. His name is Carl Emerson."

"As in the terrorist?" Marcus asks already knowing the answer.

"Is kidnapping still in the bowl?" Callie asks.

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