Candy Pop

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It was times like these when I wished I could just run away and never look back. I wanted to scream but I only could cry internally from all the stress that came from my family. My father and my stepmother always go at each other's neck like a couple of lions fighting over a piece of meat. There is no peace sometimes I wish I could crawl into a hole and never come out of it. I desperately pray to God that every day would at least get a little better but it never does. Nothing never gets better.

The only thing I look forward to is sleep. The feeling of suppression and neglect from my stepmother increases with every passing day. Sometimes, I lay in bed wondering if my family or friends would even miss me if I went away. Would people cry? The only love I ever felt was from my father but lately things have taken a turn for the worse. Fights have gotten more violent and there were days I would find my father crying praying for a miracle to happen.

Night fell and I waited in my room for about several hours. The grating damned noise of the clock above contributed to my frustration I did not hear my father and stepmother arguing anymore. My anxiety grew and in my haste I grabbed the doorknob and right when I was to turn it the door swung open. A wary man stood at the doorway I gaze upon his tired face and slowly walked towards him. It was my dad beaten broken and bruised from the abuse my stepmother inflicted upon him. Then and there, I decided enough was enough I lost all train of thought and grabbed my father's hand. I forced my way through my stepmother by pushing her aside seeing the rage plaster upon her face.

Quickly, I put my father in the car on the passenger's side and scooted over to the driver's side I heard my stepmother foul words cursing out my name.

"ALEXA!" She yelled it out in a hoarse voice.

My only decree was to take my father away from here as far as I could I rapidly struggled to find the keys to the car. A sudden bang on the car window put me into a state of shock as I saw my own stepmother holding up a baseball bat and hitting it against the glass of the window. I cried out in terror and looked at my stepmother as I scurried to find my father's keys in the glove compartment. My father screamed and quickly grabbed the keys from the glove compartment pushing me out of the driver's seat and started up the car as he drives off leaving a trail of smoke and skid marks upon the driveway.

Panic rose I pleaded to my father to slow down. The car only sped up more and my father lost control of the car. I could feel the vehicle spin out of control a sudden thrashing of the car caused me and my father's bodies to shake in turbulence while the car impacted a streetlight. The restraints from the seatbelt that kept me secured in my car seat broke and threw me out the front window of the car. I landed several feet away from the crash and knocked out instantly upon impact.

It felt very isolated the cold hard ground touching me created goose bumps upon my skin triggering my eyes to open up immediately. I was gripped with a sudden strong pain my head pounded from the hard landing, I suffered from the crash. My hands touched the ground and strangely I hear absolute silence. There was no people talking or birds chirping. The alarm coming from the car remained detailed and lifeless. Only a distinct cool breeze hit my face blowing my hair slightly into the wind. I slowly brought myself to my feet while looking around, I called out for my dad.

"Dad?!" no answer.

I hollered out again my father's name over and over in dismay. Still no answer. To such an extent my voice began to grow exhausted I had to stop before I not only lost my father but my voice as well. Worn out I receded away and kept rubbing my eyes. The more I rubbed the more the light faded away into darkness. An uneasy feeling showered over me and when I opened my eyes, I was blinded by a single spotlight. Only utter obscurity surrounded me. A faint jingling sound echoed in and out through my ears. The disembodied laughter added more to my anxieties. I called out hoping it was my father

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