I love you Remus

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~:Chapter thirteen:~

At breakfast Tonks sat next to Mindy miserably, she badly wanted to leap onto the Slytherin table and smack the living daylights out of Snape, but she couldn't do it was the entire teaching staff watching which was rather annoying. 

Lily glared at Tonks from the Gryffindor table as she stabbed her fork into an innocent sasuage, then her eyes moved over to James, Tonks could see that Lily just wanted to grab James and beat him up until he made it up to her, but then again she seemed rather happy with Severus. 

All the maraduers were on Lily's side (apart from James obviously) they couldn't belive Tonks and James's behaviour (or what Severus had described it as) and Remus seemed livid at the fact that his best friend had been going out with Tonks in secrecy. 

"What's up Tonks?" Mindy asked nudging Tonks in the ribs 

"Nothing much..." Tonks muttered as her hair turned a light blue 

"I can tell something's wrong don't lie, because your hair says it all" she said playfully 

Tonks explained what had happened, Mindy gasped and scowled at the right times like a good audience, but Mindy seemed rather annoyed at the fact Tonks had been snooping out of bed at night.

"Tonks! You shouldn't be snooping out at night should you!" Mindy gasped 

"You wouldn't mind shouting that a little bit louder Mindy would you? I don't think the entire great hall can hear you especially not McGonagall or Dumbledore" Tonks growled

"OK i'm sorry! I'll keep it zipped! But just don't do it again!" 

"Yeah whatever..." Tonks got up from her seat and walked over to Remus leaving her un touched dinner behind, she grabbed Remus by the back of the shirt, he was taken by total surprise as Tonks dragged him straight out of the great hall

"What do you think your doing?!" Remus hissed as they both made it to the entrance hall

"I think i'm trying to tell you the truth and not what that git Snivellus said, lies, he says, but you should listen to your girlfriend and hear the truth"

"Fine..." Remus said in a slightly calmer tone as he crossed his arms

Tonks explained to him about the maraduers map and how she had aquired it, then when James asked for it back and in return he would take her out for a night of snooping around the Hogwarts castle, and the how the supposed prefect Snape. 

"So your saying that Snivellus lied?" Remus asked after Tonks had explained

"Yeah, don't you trust me?" She whispered 

Remus thought for a moment, then he wrapped his arms around Tonks and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

"I trust you Tonks, i'm sorry for my foolishness" Remus whispered in her ear 

"It's OK but you've got to trust me more in the future" she whispered back 

"I will, now I think we should try and get Lily and James back together because i've never seen a scowl bigger on Lily's face before!"

"Neither have I!" 

Remus let go of Tonks, then grabbed her hand and walked back into the great hall, both of them feeling much happier than they had been...

The un-told story of Nymphadora Tonks (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora