Chapter Six: Somewhere to begin

Start from the beginning

"Erm...we're working on our new album, actually. Been working on for a while now and it's coming together nicely," Niall answers.

"Yeah, kind of nervous how fans will react to how different some of the songs will be on this one," I add, remembering the different tune of some of the songs we recorded. I notice the way Selena hangs on our every word when we talk.

"Your last album was Midnight Memories, right?" She asks and we both nod. "I liked that one, I downloaded a few songs from that one on my phone."

"Really?" Niall smiles. "Yeah, we're actually almost done with the album and we're already working on the album cover next week."

"Really? Do you guys have any idea the theme
of your cover is going to be?"

"I'm thinking something black and white," I shrug. "I've kind of been digging the whole black and white theme." It's true—I've been posting pictures on Instagram of all my photos in black and white to kind of hint towards them about the new album. I try to remember if Selena follows me on Instagram or not, but I'm not too sure. I don't really pay much mind to that kind of stuff.

"I'm gonna go get some waters," Niall gets up and leaves to the kitchen.

"I like your hair," she suddenly says, a coy smile on her lips. I smile back, feeling my cheeks flush. My hair has reached my shoulders and a lot of people have had a lot to say about that. Whether they liked it or they absolutely hated it and wanted me to get a haircut. So I have to admit, it's kind of nice to hear someone say they like it.

"I don't really know what I'm doing with it right now. It's long enough to pull into a bun now so there's that."

She reaches her hand out and runs her fingers through the ends of my curls, "Sorry. Your hair just looks so soft...what conditioner do you use?" She jokes.

For some odd reason, I liked the way it felt when she touched my hair like that. It felt nice...I clear my throat and scoot back a little, since we somehow moved closer to each other. She has a boyfriend, I remember. She frowns a little at my pulling back and opens her mouth to say something but Niall comes back with the waters and hands them to us.

"What about you? With new music?" I ask to kill the awkward tension before it would rise.

"There's this album I've been working on for a while, I think I'm really gonna take my time with for this one." She tells us.

"When do you plan on releasing it?"

"I'm not completely sure yet but I do know I want it to be around 2015." We raise our eyebrows in surprise. That's a year from now. The boys and I will be in the middle of our tour for our new album by then.

"Why so long?" Niall asks, taking a sip from his water.

"I don't know, I just really want this one to tell a story—tell my story. You know what I mean?" I really admire her ambition and how passionate she is. "I feel like I've kept my fans in the dark about so many things in my life and I guess I just want this album to open up to them in that way."

I hang on her every word as speaks...I hadn't really known her that well in the past but I do know she has gone through so much criticism for the most rubbish things. I had seen comments about her weight recently and it was just disgusting to watch people be so damn hateful.

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