Chapter 7

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(Warning: This chapter may contain adult themes ;) If you know what I mean) 

It has been a whole two months since band world and honestly it has been crazy. We have reached over 2 million subscribers on youtube, we started writing a few more songs and yesterday we announced that we will be touring with Ed Sheeran. I still haven’t been able to wrap my head around the idea that not only will I be spending 145 days with Ed Sheeran, but I’m actually leaving America. That’s all the good news out of the way. Bad news is that I haven’t spoken to Luke for 3 weeks. After band world we would always be texting each other or skyping but all of a sudden he just stopped. I mean I understand he has been planning a tour with One Direction but I mean one text wouldn’t kill him. Thank god I have Jaxon with me. Honestly he is like my best friend. Well best guy friend. He has been hanging out with me all the time. We went clubbing and to parties. I missed all that. But the one thing that bothers me is that he is always distant now. When we used to go out he would made rude remarks and slap my ass and do all this shit but now he wont even look at me sometimes. What’s his problem. Ok I know I have a boyfriend now who I love dearly so clearly you can’t hit my ass anymore but if you are going to take me to a party at least talk or something. Fuck. 

Anyway my routines in the morning basically consisted of me getting up, having a drink, a quick smoke then off to band practice. Thank god I had today off. “IM STILL INTO YOU” my radio played as my alarm turned on. Great. It was my 18th birthday. Being the youngest in the band Isn’t always good. I finally don’t have to sneak into clubs now. I stretched my legs out and pulled myself out of bed. I turned on my phone to find I had 3 snap chats. 2 from Aysha and one from... Luke. I opened Aysha’s first. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DORK! WE HAVE SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOUUUUUU” I laughed to myself as I went to look for something to wear. I opened her second snap to see Jaxon. “Hey Jo, Happy Birthday you sexy minx. See you soon. I have lost Aysha and I have her phone” he said as he shrugged his shoulders and the snap finished. They are such losers. Trust Jaxon to lose Aysha. I pulled out my KISS t-shirt and my high waisted shorts. It looked pretty sunny outside so I pulled out my Gladiators and my ray bans. Before I walked out of my room I opened Luke’s snap chat. “Hey babe. Im sorry I haven’t spoken to you... Its been killing me not speaking to you... anyway have a happy birthday... Love you forever and always” He said. He looked so cute in his penguin beanie. He looked upset though. I couldn’t help but worry about him sometimes. “JO” My auntie called from down stairs. “COMING” I replied as I walked out of my room trying to fix my hair and headed down stairs. “What do you-” I began as I looked up to see my sister. “Bella?” I whispered. She looked so different since I last saw her which was almost 6 months ago. She used to be this little chubby girl with pale skin and long brown hair. Now. Holy crap she beat the shit out of puberty. She was skinny, managed to grow another foot taller, she had a slight tan and all her hair was now blonde and cut to her shoulders. “BELLA” I squealed as I ran to her and pulled her tight. “JO I MISSED YOU SO MUCH” She squealed back as she wrapped her arms around me. “What are you doing here? how did you get out of dads?” I questioned her as I pulled her to the living room. “Well lets just say I told dad I went camping with a friend and Tommy over there came to pick me up and brought me here, plus I couldn’t miss your 18th Birthday now could I” Bella smiled. “Yeah it was a long ass drive too” Tommy said taking a sip of his coffee. “Well all thanks to me for organizing this” My auntie said. “Thank you” I replied to all of them. “So fill me in! What have I missed” Bella said clapping her hands together. “Well....”

I eventually filled my sister in with everything. She was 17 but she was held back a year when she was a junior so she still has just under 2 years left of school. “I honestly can not believe you are dating Luke Hemmings and you are touring with Ed Sheeran... I wish I was you” Bella said taking a sip of her coffee and sitting on the edge of my bed. Forgot to mention my sister is a huge fangirl especially for 5 Seconds Of Summer and 1D. “I know... Calum is still single btw” I smiled joining her on my bed. “Really hmmm” She giggled stroking her chin. “Considering all you girls have one member I have dibs on Calum” She blushed. Calum was her favorite anyway so this worked out well. “Hows dad?” I asked. I never really call... or talk to him for that matter. “He is ... well dad. He hasn’t been drinking to much lately but he still is a bit violent” Bella murmured. My insides fell. I hated seeing my sister having to witness this all on her own. “Any sign of ... mum?” I choked softly on the word ‘mum’.  “No... she called yesterday and said she saw you on Tv about the tour and thats’ about it” Bella replied. “I have missed you so much Bell” I cried. I missed my little sister. It was hard enough leaving her but to not see her at all was killing me. “Don’t cry Jo. Hey think about it in the next year or so I will be here and you will be famous and live in a giant house” Bella said trying to cheer me up as she pulled me into her. “Love you sis” I whispered. She was my rock. We have been through everything together. I would take a bullet for her any day. “Jo you shouldn’t be crying on your birthday, come on lets take you out for lunch” Bella smiled as she pushed her blonde hair behind her ear. “Yes” I agreed. Bella gave me a set of directions which eventually lead us to this small cafe. I spent most of the day with my sister. We walked into this small boutique just around the corner from my house. I needed something to wear because Aysha told me she had something planned. “Wear this tonight” Bella said lifting this black skin tight dress up. It was a halter neck/ strapless dress. The halter neck part was a few gold chains muddled up together and the dress came to about half way between my thigh. “Not bad” I said taking it from her. Aysha mentioned she might be taking me out to a club so why not dress the part. I bought the dress and headed home. “Bella are you coming tonight?” I asked as I walked out of the bathroom with my dress on and my hair almost done. “Nope” She replied flicking through a magazine on my bed. I walked back into the bathroom when I heard a slight squeal. “What? What happened” I yelled. “Luke tweeted about you” Bella squealed again. God thats the one thing I don’t miss about her. I pulled my phone out and logged onto twitter while my curler heated up.

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