"This is my wife Janet Callahan you're probably already met at school" Terrence stated. 

After we all introduced each other, Ashton came back from upstairs in a black long sleeve button up shirt, he had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows with first few buttons undone. He had black slacks on and black dress shoes. His hair was still spiked up. He was fiddling with his watch when he walked in so it gave me an opportunity to check him out. He looks like a model right now, with his sexy look, oh god Harper stop that. I looked at his arms and they were thick and the veins were popping out. I could see a hint of ink peeping through his sleeve on his right arm I've noticed them at school but never really looked too long to notice them. Behind him was a little girl that was blonde and blue eyes she looked similar to Walter and Ashton but also Anna. Must be Walter and Anna's daughter.

"This is Annabelle" Walter announced then two more turned up and Carly and I smiled at them. One was Katie and the other was younger than us probably in middle school. He and Katie looked similar so must be her little brother. "This is Katie and Owen, my niece and nephew" Walter introduced them to everyone.

"We've already met Katie" Casper said with a small smile. Small talk started up. Katie sat with us and we were talking and laughing. Ashton kept looking at me while he spoke to Ryker.

A throat was cleared that brought my eyes to Walter and Anna, she then spoke up "dinner is ready" She clapped her hands together before leading the way with Walter. Ashton groaned, he mustn't like his step-mom. We all headed into the dining room. The house was amazing inside and the outside was too.

Walter sat at the head of the table, his wife was on the right of him and Ryker on the left. Casper sat next to Ryker and Gary was next to him. At the other end of the table was Terrence and his wife was on his right. I sat next to Anna and Carly was about to sit next to me but Ashton pulled her away and sat her on a chair away from me and Ashton sat between us. He gave me a sexy smirk then started talking to Ryker and Casper. Katie sat next to Carly and Owen and Annabelle was opposite Katie and her.

I leaned back and Carly did too. I gave her a 'this isn't happening look' and she just laughed. Our meal came out and it was delicious.

"So Harper and Carly, which college were you thinking about going to" Anna asked us.

Carly spoke first "I'm trying to get into Yale" she spoke up with a smile "they said I'm a good candidate for a scholarship"

"Wow" Anna said smiling "Walter went there as a law student, what degree?"


"That's great sweetie, what about you Harper?"

"Yale too but history instead" I answered with a smile but then I jumped from a warm hand softly on my suddenly bare thigh. I gave Anna a awkward smile while trying to remove his hand but it wouldn't budge. I leaned into him slightly and whispered angrily "quit it"

"Quit what?" He asked whispering too with an innocent tone.

"Remove your damn hand now" I still whispered angrily.

"No" he said simply.

"Why not?"

"It feels nice where it is" he went back to talking to my brothers.

I looked at my brothers and I saw Casper giving me a knowing look and a smirk. I bit my bottom lip when Ashton's hand started to creep up my thigh, I held the moan that wanted to escape. I felt my pants getting wet from the hot sensation in my pit of my stomach. His hand creeped up further and I grabbed it before he could get any closer to my pants. I tried so hard to stop him but he was too strong for me. His finger brushed my panties which made me bite my lip harder and close my eyes. I squeezed my hand around his, I think I dugged my nails into his hand but it didn't bother him. His fingers searched the edges of my knickers. Without even realising it I opened my thighs a little more and his fingers slipped in.

"Someone's excited" he whispered into my ear. I turned my head and glared at him. Well it wasn't really a glare but more than a lustful one.

"Excuse me, bathroom" I said looking at Anna. She gave me directions and I went.

I didn't need to go I just needed an excuse to get away from him and compose myself. I washed my face and dried it. After I dried my face and looked back at the mirror I jumped at who was behind me. Ashton.

"Hey my kitten" he said sexily into my ear from behind and putting more emphasis on my again.

"That wasn't funny Ashton" I said angrily and then shoved his shoulder after I turned around.

"It wasn't supposed to be funny" he said then our lips crashed to each other's. He picked me up and placed me on the bathroom bench. His hands were on my thighs and they moved up slowly then his fingers were in my pants and then he started to rub my opening. He pushed my thighs apart more and he entered one finger, then two I moaned into his mouth. This felt amazing, way better than with Cameron. That's what snapped me out of it, I pulled away and pulled his hand out.

"Don't" that's all I said, I could feel tears running down my cheeks. I hopped down from the bench and left the bathroom. But on the way I stopped to clean my face. I went back to the dining room and sat at the table next to Carly instead and whispered in her ear "I can't wait to go home" Ashton finally reemerge after about ten minutes.

"That took you long Ashton" his father said to him when he sat down "what was wrong with Dylan then" so that was his excuse.

"Um, had some trouble with his car" he looked to me and gave me a small smile. I looked away with a blush.

We stayed after dinner talking in the sitting room. I told Carly and Katie not to leave me alone with Ashton tonight and they gave me a 'better tell me later why?' Look. We said our goodbyes. As I was exiting Ashton grabbed me around my waist and whispered into my ear "I'm not finished with you, far from it kitten" I shivered at his words. Oh no, I can't deal with this right now I need to stay away from him but I can't. I keep getting closer and closer to him. Next time he has me like that again I probably will not stop him. It's getting harder and harder every time I'm with him.


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