Christmas is coming to Mogeko! Part 2

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Yosafire: Why do we have to come back to the Flame world.?
Froze: Because we're saving Miss.Grora and saving Christmas, remember......?
Ethiw: This is going to be easy~🎵
Kcalb: (Glad I'm not those people...)
Wodahs: We should split into groups to find them in the Flame world, it'll be easy that way.
Dialo: I'm not really sure me and Chelan can pull this off....and why are we all using Twitter to talk?
Yosafire: Cause it's cooler that way. *wears sunglasses*😎
Macarona: Yosafire, your acting like Mc shades.....
Rawberry: *chews on flaming bats* It's time to feast~
Froze: Even though you hate Mcshades.......
Yosafire: I hate Mc shades Furozeeeeee, fine I'll take it off. *takes off shades*
Ethiw: We should split into groups, Me, Froze and Macarona will on a team; Kcalb with Yosafire and Rawberry and Wodahs with Chelan and Dialo.
Yosafire: Yay! I'm with old man!
Kcalb: *grumbles*
???: Looks like there's trouble around here.
Yosafire: Hey look, It's Mcshades!
Emalf: Hello, my love~
Yosafire: Ew, go away! I belong with Froze.
Froze: ..........what?
Kcalb: *Gives a stare at Wodahs*
Wodahs: We'll take care of him.
???: Hold it right there!
Macarona: ! It's.....
???: Did you miss Poemi?
Froze: Nope. Not at all.
Poemi: We will take care of them.
Ethiw: You guys that's not on Wodahs's group, let's go!
Kcalb: Such in a hurry....
???: Halt!
Rawberry: It's Rita huh?
Rita: huehuehue, you can't pass Ivlis without me!
Yosafire: We'll handle her!
Ethiw: Let's go seal Ivlis then!
Froze: .....!
Macarona: Miss. Ethiw, t-there's something over Ivlis side?
Everyone: Huh?!
Ivlis: G-Guah! *coughes out blood*
Yosafire: OMG!
Rawberry: It's-
Chelan: 🙊
Ethiw: H-He's-
Wodahs: Beating up Ivlis....
Kcalb: where's Grora?
Grora: I'm over here *next to Reficul and Satanick*
Grora: They released me for some reason.
Reficul: Those airheads were pretty much dead.
Satanick: I was here to punish Ivlis, not you guys~
Grora: Did you guys miss me?
Wodahs: I didn't at all.
Grora: .3.
Yosafire: OMG, since Santa here, we can get our presents early!
Froze: ..I-I don't think that's really Santa.
Yosafire: What?!
Dialo: It's kinda obvious, Santa doesn't beat up people.
Chelan: *nods* 😅
Macarona: That means...who is he?
Rawberry: *eats flaming bats* Must be someone with strong muscles.~
Ethiw: *cracks knuckles* That's when I should be take action.
Kcalb: ......Ethiw as usually.
Grora: She's gonna kill Santa?
Ethiw: Heck no, I'm just gonna reveal his face, but he might try to beat me up.
Santa: Huehuehue, fine. I will reveal my face then. *takes off Santa hat hoodie*
Author's note:
HALT! There's gonna be a next chapter of this. And it's gonna have a different title but stay in tune!

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