Anime Ikari

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Beep beep beep beep be-

An alarm clock was sounding off, but was cut short as a hand slammed the snooze button. The person moaned, not wanting to get up before the sun. It wasn't even a Monday. But it was the first day of school.

"Ugh..." The teen rolled out of her bed and and got a face full of clothes. "Oh yeah...I forgot to put away my laundry. Whatever."

She sat up and sleepily fumbled for the light so she could see where she was. Her fingers found the switch and flicked it upward. The room was cloaked in a pale yellow light. The girl grabbed her uniform and put it on. She then yawned. The girl fixed the bow on the front though. It was crooked and not evenly tied. After awhile the bow was perfect.

"Time to tackle this mane." She sarcastically told herself. Grabbing a brush with thick bristles she attempted to brush through her long midnight blue hair. Much struggling payed off in the end when her fingers weren't stopped by any knots. Grabbing three yellow clips, she clipped back her bangs and then some hair in the back of her head. After doing so she grabbed her bag and a white beanie and walked out to the kitchen.

"Morning Mom." The teen yawned and grabbed a plate of toast her mom had left her.

"Good morning Dawn." Her mother replied sweetly. "Oh and Dawn,"

"Hm?" Dawn mumbled with a mouth full of toasted bread.

"School starts in 20 minutes, Misty, May, and Iris will be waiting for you." Dawn almost choked on her food. She swallowed and grabbed her things.

"Bye Mom! Bye Piplup! Bye Glameow!" She ran out the door and pulled out her phone that was in her bag.

From Misty

where r u?

From May

dawn! school starts soon!

From Iris

we r walking 2 school w/o u

"Crap! I took too long getting dressed! I'll have to rush if I want to make it before the first bell!" Dawn put on her hat and ran off. She got the first intersection and tripped over a rock.

"Waaaah!" Dawn screamed as she fell, onto a person.

"What the hell!?" The person under cursed.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you, I tripped and couldn't keep my balance!" Dawn apologized to the person and bowed to he or she many times. She looked up and saw a familiar jacket and face. "Paul?"

"Oh it's just you troublesome. I was hoping not to bump into you." Paul scoffed.

"That's rude! Lighten up its our final year going to this horrible school." Dawn said waiting for the light to change. *Why did this encounter with him seem so familiar?* Dawn thought.

"Then I won't had to live in this horrible town anymore." Paul whispered.

"Hm?" Dawn looked up at the purple haired boy.

"Nothing." The light changed and both of them walked across the street.

"You don't have to walk with me you know." Paul told the bluenette. "Where are your peppy friends anyways?"

"I took too long getting ready so they left without me." Dawn confessed to Paul, scratching her head. Paul sighed.

"Shit! School starts in ten minutes, Reggie'll kill me if I'm late on the first day, c'mon."

"Your brother wouldn't do th-" dawn was cut off as Paul grabbed her wrist and pulled her along. Dawn had no choice but to run to school with him.

*Oh crap! He's practically holding my hand! Why am I feeling so nervous!? Then again, why would he go out of his way to make sure I'm not late, he could've just left me to be late.* Dawn thought as she looked at the teen who was focusing on beating the clock. Paul then looked behind himself at Dawn to check if she was still there. When he saw that she was looking at him, he spun his head back around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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