The Girl I like

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I should take back my words and make it Au instead, now that Adlet's female and the Rny plot would be really different with the gender change.

So yeah, Au here :D

Enjoy this -kindofinterlude- featuring Raina XD


Raina POV

"You like her don't you?"

I turned around swiftly, facing the other red haired individual in the room. Head swirling with thoughts of what exactly the female had said.

"H-huh?" I asked stupidly, trying to act stupid so that she can drop the topic and continue to chop the vegetables. 

"No use playing stupid, it's written all over your face. Just admit it, you are totally in love with Adlet." the female- Shetra Maia- gave me an all-knowing grin as she whirled around to chop the lettuce. 


"You must be curious to how I found out." Shetra said after a few moments of silence, with me gaping at her while she continue to cook.

I didn't give her a verbal answer, but she rambled on anyway. I wasn't going to deny liking that idiot, but I am curious to how Shetra found out. 

I thought I hid it quite well.

"I had been really into shipping the two of you, you know?" Shetra started, not giving me a moment to take in the information- Wait what?"So whenever you take a subtle glance in her direction, or when you offer to carry heavy things for her when you think she wouldn't notice, I did notice. I don't think she realise it though. Adlet's quite dense after all." Shetra twirled the ladle she had in her hand as she dumped the pile of vegetables on the cutting board into the pot, all while explaining to me how obvious I were.

"You know,  can't you just confess if you like her that much? Onee-chan is rooting for you!" Shetra ended off with a giggle, obviously knowing that I wouldn't have the guts to confess.

I mean, the opponent* is that Adlet!

The stupid, idiotic, clumsy, gentle, cute- wait a second, I'm getting overly excited.

Huffing as I faked my annoyance, I crossed my arms and glared at her lightly.

"Don't say it if you don't mean it." 

Shetra giggled again, turning the ladle around in the pot, then placing the lid a short while after. Waiting for the soup to be ready, she sat down at the nearest table, plopping her elbow on the table and leaning her chin against her palms in an upright position. With an extra effort to look 'mature', Shetra crossed her legs together, making her look well, stupid in my opinion.

"So?" I raised my eyebrow as she grinned at me.

"I do support you. Just that as her sister, I know that Adlet have some...slight issues in understanding ...implications." Shetra directed an apologetic smile(Which really doesn't look apologetic in the least) at me.

Is this woman mocking me or something?

Ruffling my hair with irritation, I spoke out.

"Ahh~ why did I even fall for such a idiot?" I complained, uncrossing my hands to put them in my shorts' front pocket. 

"You like that exact same idiot," Shetra rebutted me as I sat down across the table from her.

"I know. That's why I'm complaining." I slumped down on the table and felt the cool wood against my cheeks.

Sighing, I waited for the usual cheery voice to appear.

Comfortable silence reigned over the dinning area with me lying my face on the table and Shetra humming an old folks' song in front of me.

"I'm back with the ingredients! Oh, hi Raina! Didn't know you would be coming today." my stupid crush entered the room with a basket of fruits and wrapped meat, making me instinctively avoid eye contact with her beautiful light red eyes. 


"Do you want some? I got them as desert." I gratefully received the apple from her outstretched hand, grinning stupidly(Cutely) when I bit into it. I had to turn my head so that she couldn't see my blush.

Stupid her and her cuteness.

Is it just me or is she shining?

"Pfft-" I turned to give Shetra a glare, daring her to laugh. 

Adlet just blinked at her adoptive sister in confusion.

I'm taking this feeling with me to the grave.

No way am I going to admit I like this girl out loud.

Not until she feels the same sort of feeling for me anyway.


End of chapter

*Raina is using the Japanese word 'Aite' for Adlet, which can mean either 'opponent' or 'partner', so Raina is comparing his confession to an actual challenge since he is doubtful that Adlet would actually reciprocate his feelings. 

I really like how the anime drew Adlet's eyes. It made him look really pretty, especially when they enlarge it during the time he was looking at Hans. Yeah, Hans's eyes are pretty too, goldenly and shiny and all, but I find Adlet's eyes really gentle looking and pretty.

*Spoilers*Though Raina didn't actually appear (except in a flashback) in the anime, I find his loyalty to Adlet really admirable. Those who haven't read to novel, do read it. I swear, Raina's (sort-of)only reason to continue living was because he wanted Adlet to be safe, to help the six heros defeat the Majin. He wanted to be Adlet's hero even up till the end.  

Hope you have enjoyed~

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