Chapter 2 - An Embarrassing Scene

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It was the second week of Kamiyama High School. Oreki was doing his homework after school, since he left it the other day.

"So you left it, huh? Quite of a surprise," Fukube said as he stared at his friend's work.

Oreki continued to stay focused.

Suddenly, the door thundered. It was Chitanda. "Oreki-san, Fukube-san! Some books that I borrowed earlier for our club disappeared!"

Fukube stood up immediately. "Yosh! We needa get the books back!" He ran towards the door and looked back, "Oi! Houtarou! Meet'cha in the club room, okay?"

Oreki gave him a weak thumbs up, and Fukube rushed towards the club room with Chitanda.

These cases are about items disappearing for some particular reason... he thought.


"I placed the books here, and when I tried to get some paper because we ran out, it disappeared right when I came back!" Chitanda explained. "What are we going to do, Fukube-san?"

He finished writing the data on his little notebook and shut it. "That's weird... Did you search for those books everywhere?"

She nodded rapidly. "What kind of books were they?" Fukube asked.

"They were somewhat about history, I guess..."

He played his hair with his pen, thinking. "I was also sure that we were the only ones on this floor. I checked that the other clubs were not here today," Chitanda added.

"You're sure that no one went here?"

"Well, I thought that I saw a workman who went up."

Fukube brightened up, jotting down more notes onto his mini notebook. "Oi, you both. Today is the day where workmen take items that are not kept safely towards the Lost and Found box." 

Chitanda and Fukube immediately looked at the person behind them. It was Oreki, holding up an A4 poster about the event today.

Fukube made a puzzled look on his face. "I thought that was canceled last year."

Oreki face palmed and stated, "This system is going again this year. It was announced during the opening ceremony. Baaaaka." 

Fukube suddenly remembered. "Oh yeah! They did! Didn't I write that down on my notebook?" he said as he flipped from one page to another. He sighed, "I didn't."

"Let's just get goin-"

"Oreki-san!" Chitanda suddenly shouted in front of his face, her eyes shimmering. 

He suddenly jerked, and tried to lean back again, since her face was so close to his. "W-What is it!?" he asked uneasily.

She leaned even closer, while Oreki backed away. Fukube smirked. He loved these kind of moments. "You are amazing!" she complimented.

"Y-You're the one who forgot about a simple thing," he said, backing away even more. Suddenly, he tripped on his own shoe. Shoot...! 

Oreki fell onto the floor, causing Chitanda to slip, which made her on top of him. Fukube suddenly burst out laughing. Oreki blushed tensely, including Chitanda. She immediately pulled herself backwards, her face as red as a tomato.

"D-Don't lean so close to me next time!" he demanded, still flustered.

"G-Gomenasai, Oreki-san," Chitanda apologized.

Fukube was still laughing, unable to hold himself. "Satoshi..." Oreki scowled under his breath.

That made his friend laughed even more. 

Oreki immediately walked out of the club room, without a single word.

On the other hand, Chitanda was still blushing extremely, covering her face with her hands. Fukube couldn't help but smile. "Hey, Chitanda-san, it's fine. It was just an accident, right? You don't have to be so embarrassed over it."

She shook her head. "B-But that accident went too far... I got overexcited and y-you know..." she stammered.

He started to walk towards the door. "Well, that's in the past. Let's not worry about that, and get going. We don't want Houtarou to be impatient," he said, making a childish grin. 

Chitanda nodded slowly and followed him out.


That scene with Oreki himself and Chitanda before was replaying in Oreki's head. He tried to forget it, but it was so embarrassing that he couldn't get it off. He didn't go to the Lost and Found box, since his energy will drain out if he did go. 

He took a deep breath and walked home.

Suddenly, someone yelled his name. It was Fukube. "HOUTAROU!!!!"

Oreki gave a glance at him, then continued walking. "Oi! You should've been in the Lost and Found box area!"

"I don't have to do it. You guys can do it, so why do I have to be a part of it?" He gave in a sigh. "Plus, I don't want something unexpected to happen again." 

Fukube grinned. "Ah... That..."

Oreki looked away, trying to ignore it. As they start to head different directions, Fukube waved at his friend and he responded back with a straight face.


"I'm home," Oreki called out.

"Ah, welcome," his sister replied, while watching TV.

He took off his shoes and went upstairs, collapsing onto his bed. He stared at the ceiling, wandering all over his thoughts. He started to yawn exhaustively.

I'll just finish homework later. 

[A/N: YOOOO SUP! WAS THIS CHAPTER HORRIBLE? Oh, I just want to tell you that from now on, the A/N will start with caps :P. Anyways, I think this chapter was quite short, so I apologize for that... AND! THIS CHAPTER HAS NO CONNECTION WITH MATURITY. I PROMISE. IT WAS JUST AN ACCIDENT BETWEEN OREKI AND CHITANDA, SOOO... xD Okay, uh, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I guess? Comment down feedbacks below, and yeah... SEE YA PEOPLE! :D]

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