Damn you, Lucas. I yelled in my head. Why couldn't he be human or I be a vamp? Life would have been easier.

I finally stop crying as I made it home before it start lighten out. Luckily my parents were both at work, so I'll have the house till nine since both my parents are doctors and they take the same amount of shifts.

I walked up to my room and changed my cloths into some pajamas pants and a tank top. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun again and sat on my bed.

I wasted three months of my life for nothing. I'm so stupid. I should have known Lucas wasn't going to come. Why would he? I'm just a stupid human girl.

But I can't help but still love him. I know this isn't going to be easy. Getting over Lucas isn't going to be easy. He was pretty much I wanted. Handsome, protective, sweet, caring, and just real around me.

But he also something I don't want. He can be dangerous, rude, annoying, an asshole, and crazy.

But that just makes me want him so much more...

Ring, ring, ring...

The down stair phone starting ringing. I just ignored it and laid down on my bed. They'll just leave an voice mail if it's improtant and my parents can check it later.

I was about to close my eyes when it ringed again. I groaned to myself as I got up from the bed. It's probably the same person and they'll just keep on calling in till someone answers.

I walked down the stair and into the living room and picked it up, "Hello.", I said annoyed.

"Dorinda, are you okay?", Cain voice said concern over the phone.

"Yes.", I said, running my fingers through my hair, "Sorry about leaving, I just found something out and I just had to go home.", I said, not really lying.

"It's okay," he said as his voice calmed. "Is everything okay? Do you need anything?",

"Yes everything okay and no, I don't need anything. I'm fine.", I lied.

"Okay. Can you make it to work tomorrow?",

"Yeah, I'll be there.", I said, hanging up before Cain could reply.

I walked over to the kitchen and went to the fridge and opened the freezer. I pulled out a carton of chocolate ice cream, and went to the draw and grabbed a spoon. I didn't grabbed a bowl as I walked out of the kitchen. When I get depressed, I eat. But who doesn't eat when there sad and depressed?

I walked real slow up the stairs. Great, my parents must have let their window open cause it started to get real cold up stairs. I walked into my room and there he was, standing a couple of feet away from me. His hair was shorter and he seems a little more muscular.

I took in a sharp breath in shocked and the carton and spoon fill out my hands.

"Hello Dorinda.", Lucas said as he slowly walked up to me. I couldn't help my hand from smacking him in face when he was in front of me.

I gasped quickly after realizing what I did. But than I got over it, he deserved it. I'm not scared of him. "Why are you here?", I asked angrily.

He didn't look at me as he spoke, "I'm guessing they told you.",

I know who he meant by 'them'. "Yes, they did.", I said, feeling my eye water, but I held them back. My emotion were mixed with anger and sadness. I picked up the ice cream and spoon. "Leave.", I said and begining to walk pass him, but he grabbed my arm.

"Let me explain.", he said, his beautiful green eye looking into mine. God, I wanted to dropped the ice cream and spoon and kiss him, but I'm wasn't going to let my urges win.

"There nothing to explain. You getting married.", I said, trying to break away from his grasp.

"Dorinda, please.", he said, holding me a little tighter to stop me from trying to getting out of his hand, "I don't love her.",

I stop trying to move, looking right back in those green amazing eyes, "I know," I whispered, knowing he could hear it anyways, "But it changes nothing.", I said, pushing my arm out his hand real hard when he loosen his grip. I was finally free and I walked over to my bed and sat Indian style. I hope when I looked back up, he wont be there.

But he didn't move. He was looking at the floor, ashamed. I lost my need to eat, so I sat the ice cream and spoon on the table next to my bed. "Why did you come here, Lucas?", I asked, almost chocking on a sob.

He walked over to my bed and bent down in front of me. "To let you know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't see you sooner. I wanted to, I promise you I did. But my father, he kept holding me up with all this stuff and then there's her.", he said, not saying her name, but I can already guess who 'her' is.

I hate think that she get to spend time with him and I don't. She gets to hug and kiss him and I don't. She get to be around him and have his parents approval. I hate that she gets to have him and I don't!

I looked down at my hands as I spoke, "I hate the fact that she got you.", I admitted. He reached out and cup my face with his right hand. His hand was as I remember, cold. But I still love the touch, it showed he cared about me. "When are you--you know, getting-", I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"In two months.",

I bit down on my bottom lip to hold back the sob and pressed my eyes tight closed. That's so close.

Lucas hands vanish from my cheek and I didn't think before I reached out to grabbed his arm, "Please, don't go, not right now.", I said. The tears finally escape, but I didn't bother to wipe them away. I still love him and I want to be around him. I can't be mad at him right now. I'll be mad later, but right now I just want him to hold me. "Stay with me. I don't want to be alone. Just stay in till I fall asleep.", I said.

My eyes felt tired from all the crying, so I wasn't lying about being tired. He hesitated, but then spoke, "Okay.",

I laid down on the bed and he crawled up behind me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and for some reason, I felt safe. He smells good, like cologne and shampoo. His new hair was still a little long and it tickled my neck a little, but it doesn't bother me. It shows that he is really here with me.

He nuzzled his nose in my hair before speaking, "You hair smell like coffee.", he said, randomly.

I had to laugh, "I took at job at the local Starbucks.",

"That stuff bad for the blood, you know.",

"Oh," I said. I didn't know that. "I been drink lots. I haven't been able to sleep."


"Bad dreams. About Emma and I don't feel safe, even knowing she dead doesn't help.", I decided to tell him, I don't really want to keep it from him.

Lucas pulled me closer to him, "Well, I'm right here.", he moved the hand that was wrapped around my waist and started playing with my hair, "I'll keep you safe from the dreams.", he said. We both gave soft laughs. He leaned over and kissed me softly on my lips. It was a nice and sweet kiss. "Now sleep.", he said, petting my hair.

I was about to say no, but I just nodded and closed my eyes.



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