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Harry breathed in and out. This was super important. Killing Voldemort wasn't as important as this was.

  The Boy who Lived skimmed the rows of rings, all with jewels shimmering in the light. He sighed as he looked at every single one.

  He finally decided on one and laughed to himself. Malfoy would love it.

* 3 hours later*

"What could possibly be more important than my shower?!" Draco raged as Harry dragged him through the mall.

"Oh, about 934 other things." Harry shrugged. He stopped in front of the jeweler's and waited for Draco to get the idea.

  Draco glared at him and then looked at the window. Many beautiful rings were on the shelves, glittering beautifully.

  His breath stopped short as he looked at the most beautiful one he'd ever seen. It sat on a pillow and under it, the words 'Marry me, Draco?' Were written on a piece of paper.

"Well?" Harry asked.

Draco rose an eyebrow, "What?"

  Harry rolled his eyes, "Do I get an answer?"

"Do I get a real proposal?"

"Draco, my love, maybe fiancé, mother of my childr-OW!" He flinched as he was hit on the head.

"Don't push it and yes." Draco laughed.

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