After I’m done with my little rant of ideas, I look up. They seem to not know what to think. I look at Kakashi for help. He puts up a thumb.

“That’s a great idea, Tobi!” Sakura says.

“That sounds like learning!” Naruto practically melts at hearing this. “GAH!”

“We should get started then,” said Yamato. He clasps his hands together and rubs them. “This sounds like fun! I’ll tell Hokage-sama!” Yamato shunshins away.

“I’ll get some scrolls and book on sign language,” says Sai before he shunshins away too.

“I have to go shopping for some clothes. Do you guys want to come?” They all nod. “Cool. Sakura, you probably know where to go. Lead the way!”

-Thrift Shopping: Ninja Style-

Oh, this is cool. Who would’ve thought that Konoha had a thrift store! All the clothes at the top-grade ninja stores were stupid looking, so I figured a thrift shop would be good. This is like the Goodwill of Konoha or something.

I wandered off to the men’s section. It wasn’t until I dropped something that I noticed Kakashi was behind me the whole time.

“Are you taking advantage of the fact I’m deaf?” I ask him. He leaned against the clothing shelf and pulled down his mask.

“Well, yeah, I am. Maybe just a little bit, though.” He smiles. He looks at some of the clothing and shows me this mesh shirt.

“What? For me? No way, sensei. I don’t wear mesh,” I tell him.

“It’s hot.” He stares at me.

“Fine, you stupid Cyclops, I’ll try it on.” I grab it and hang it over my arm. Now I just have to look for something to wear over it.

I look for a little bit and try not to turn to Kakashi, even though I know he’s staring at me. Just focus, Tobi. Focus. Don’t look at him. Don’t think of him. Just focus on clothes.

I finally come across this awesome looking zip up thing. It’s grey, with orange pockets. It had a white fur lining the hood. It’s like Kiba’s hoodie, but not long-sleeved. It’s short sleeved, with Konoha’s swirl patch on both arms.

“Isn’t this cool, sensei?” I take it off the hanger to show him. He nods.

“Yeah, it fits.” He smiles before lifting his mask up.

Sakura comes up from behind Kakashi and shows me a headband and some bracelets. “The headband is practically brand new, and these are chakra bracelets. You have a large amount of chakra, and these will help you balance it out!” I look at the price.

“Sakura, these are expensive! The bracelets are ten each, and you got four, so …”

“It’s fine, Tobi-kun! Think of it as a welcoming gift!” she says. Her broad smile and slight blush brings a little smile to my face.

“I love it, Sakura-chan. Thanks.” I give her a quick hug and look for some pants. I feel someone breathing excitedly to the right of me.

I turn and almost get blinded. “Wow, those are orange.” Naruto’s face come up behind them.

“Yep, but these aren’t as bright as mine, see. They are like a burnt orange!” Naruto smiles at me, but it suddenly goes away. “Sakura says, ‘Why would he want something as stupid as that?’ But you like it, right?”

I take it from him and say, “Yeah. It’s cool. Thanks, Naruto!” I smile and head for the dressing room.

I look in the mirror. I look pretty awesome. Now, I just need sandals, pouches, and weapons.

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