Chapter 67: Lucky potion

Start from the beginning

"Then come with us sir." Harry said turning around momentarily to face him as he continued to walk down the slope towards Hagrids hut.

Slughorn looked concerned for a moment but then went ahead and followed them down the hill; yelling at them both to return back to the castle.

"Shhh sir, you don't want to wake anybody up." Bella shushed at him as they neared the hut.

However inside the hut Hagrid was not, instead he was stood outside. In front of him was a giant black, flurry blob.

"Hi Hagrid!" Bella and Harry greeted as they neared.

The moment they got close enough we could make out that the black, flurry blob was in fact not a black, flurry blob but instead a huge spider lying motionless on the floor; its knees high up above its head. It looked much like the one from second year.

Slughorn ran down the hill shortly afterward and went to stand by Hagrid.

"Blimey, you killed it?" He said in shock as he stared at the giant insect.

"That is really creepy." Rose shuddered.

"Really, I think it's cool." Emmett smirked and slowly walked to the dead creature.

"Don't you dare touch that Emmett McCartney!" Rosalie shrieked.

"Calm down Rosey I can't touch it; look" He swung his arm down towards it but instead his arm went right through.

"God no." Hagrid murmured, "He was my friend."

"Oh." Slughorn mumbled quietly.

"Yeah, natural causes" He said sobbing slightly, "He's been mine ever since he was small enough to fit in my hand. People always seemed to be scared of him; I don't know why, maybe it as his size."

"And the pinchers." Harry said taking both his index fingers and moving them in a pinching movement beside his mouth. Beside him Bella nodded her head and pursed her lips in agreement.

"Well what about a service." He asked uncertainly.

Hagrid just nodded his head, to sad to answer.

"How can he be so sad? It's an insect not a pet." Rose squealed, "It's gross."

"It may be gross to us but to him it was family." Esme told her.

"What was his name?" Slughorn asked Hagrid.

"Aragog." He sobbed. Meanwhile Harry reached over and patter the lower part of Hagrids arm.

"Farwell Aragog, king of the arachnids. You were faithful to those who knew you and though your body will decay your spirit will still linger; never to be forgotten. Farwell."

"That was great." Hagrid sobbed.

"Do you mind?" He asked taking a step forward with a small glass flask in his hand. Hagrid nodded.

"It's just that they're really had to come by."

Slughorn knelt beside the dead spider and placed the glass flask under one of his abnormally sharp teeth; a purple substance dropped from it and into the bottle.

"How about you to go and have a drink inside?" Bella suggested, shrugging her shoulders in one big motion.

Slughorn looked over at Hagrid as if waiting for an answer and when Hagrid agreed the four of them walked into the hut.

Bella walking with a skip and her arms swinging behind her. Both of them with a distant look on their faces.

"You two our acting so drunk." Emmett laughed.

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