Sam and samantha cant work

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"Colby stop!" I goggle as Colby chased me around the park "never!" Colby declared i turned around running backwards I smashed into something rock solid but it wasn't a wall I came crashing down Colby caught me before I landed on my stomach I smiled great-fully at Colby I looked up and saw a guy who I'm guessing was dancing judging by the stereo he looked at me panicked I looked curious as he gazed down at my small baby bump Colby placed out intertwined hands on my stomach "looks like she did get pregnant at 18 like I had predicted" a voice that I had never would have herd again spoke from behind me "f-father?" I stutter out as Colby and I slowly turned to face my parents he smirked at me and then to glanced at my stomach I gasp and hide behind Colby tears pricked my eyes he wants to kill my only family left "what r u doing here u should be laying 6 ft. under ground" Colby said and intertwined both of our hand together I clung to his backside "if we had actually died yes" my mother spoke coldly as if her feelings had died instead of her I wish she had died! Along with my father those little carpet-munching-Popsicle-loving-f&:):?/! "We need to go summer Sam and Samantha started fighting again" Colby said to me quietly I nodded tear trickling down my face "let's go" I said and gave a small smile which Colby returned wiping my tears he lead me to the car and opened the door for me I blushed and took a seat into the passenger side he quickly got into the drivers side and took off
"This just isn't working anymore I'm so sick and tired of hearing about u sleeping with different guys!!" Sam shouted as I walked into our apartment in L.A. "Whatever u didn't mean a thing to me anyway!" Samantha shouted and stormed out of the apartment "good I didn't like her anyway" I mumble as Sam wraps me into a hug and sighs sadly "what happened at the park?" Sam asked pulling away from our hug "t-their not died they r alive and after Colby, our baby, and me!!" I sob Sam immediately wraps me into a bone crushing hug an I sob into his chest "Sum y were u scared to go home when they were still alive?" Colby asked rubbing my back I sobbed harder Sam tensed and started rocking me back and forth in his arms I didn't feel safe though I needed Colby's arms around me now! I unwrapped myself from Sam and jumped into Colby's embrace he nuzzled his head in my neck and I sobbed into his shoulder the front door opened and the guys piled in but froze seeing the sene in front of them "Sum babe I can't help if u don't tell me what's wrong" Colby cooed into my ear I shook my head Colby nodded as I yawned Colby swung me up bridal style and carried us up to our room laid me down "if anything happens shout for me ok?" Colby asks I tiredly nodded before he kissed my forehead and went back down stairs
Colby's POV
"What is up with her?" Cam asks I shrug "she won't tell me and the other part is for her to tell u" I say "well let's make them dang vids!" Nash shouts and everyone cheered

Skip till about 5 pm

Summer came stomping down the stairs and glaring at me "what did I do?" I ask she stares at me before replying "give. me. my. phone. now. Colby!" Sum said threw gritted teeth "I don't have it" I say as her glared turned rock hard she was going to force the truth out of whoever took her phone she stared at Sam who started cracking up laughing as her phone slid out of his hoodie pocket she grabbed it and walked to the living room I heard her gasp and her phone hit the carpet floor her eyes teared "Sum baby what is it?" I asked as I picked up her phone she slapped it out of my hands and went back to grasping her elbows she zoned out as a flash back plaid in her mind I went to wrap my arms around her she screamed and flinched away from me and crawled to a corner I walked to her she screamed and Sam held onto my arm and stopped me from going any closer to her "don't it's not the time it's one time where she needs u but she's deadly afraid of u" Sam says

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