Chapter 15: Jason

Start from the beginning

"Where is it!?" Then suddenly he collapsed and went normal again, but just wasn't awake.

"What the Hades?" The good medic said. David looked scared out of his mind.

Percy opened his eyes and groaned. "Ow."

"PERCY!" Annabeth's voice called out. I turned and she was running into the arena with Piper trailing behind.

She was here surprisingly fast and was squatting by him. She glared up at me. "Thirty minutes. That's all it took. Thirty minutes. What did you do to him?"

"Nothing!" We said in sync, but Percy's voice was tired.

"Perc we gotta bring to you to the infirmary." The medic said.

"No. I just want to go to my room. I can walk."

The medic narrowed his eyes. "Lets see."

Percy sat up and was obviously hit by a powerful wave of vertigo because he put his head on his palms for a quick second. He tried to sit up carefully and his elbows have away and me and Annabeth had to brace him before he cracked his head on the ground.

"No, Percy. You can't." The medic insisted.

"Yes I can." Percy argued.

It took awhile, but Percy finally convinced us that he could walk, then he proved it by walking all the way to his cabin, despite the medics orders.

He lied down and Annabeth sat on the edge of his bed and held his hand while I sat on the other bunk.

"What was that?" Percy groaned, rubbing his temples with his free hand.

"You tell us," I snorted.

We told him about what happened, how he just passed out and then was like, possessed.

Annabeth twisted her ring once she let go. "That sounds familiar." She thought and then her face lit up. "I remember. It's the ghosts that possessed us with the Mark of Athena quest! What were they called again?"

"Um..." I racked my brain to remember. "Eidolons!"

Percy shook his head. "No, that's not it, I remember that feeling when you were being possessed, this is different it's like, you can't think clearly and it hurts. The eidolons was more, I don't know, relaxed?"

I felt bad that he remembered all of that when he was about 17. "Well, plus it didn't sound the same. You wanted to hurt us when you were possessed by the eidolons-"

"Stop!" Percy ordered. "Can I just rest?"

Annabeth and I shared a glance. "Um... yeah. C'mon Jason."

"Wait," Percy sent me a message almost mentally. "Jason, can I ask you a question?"

"Ugh, sure."

Annabeth walked away, surprisingly without complaint and Percy sat up like nothing was wrong, but he didn't do as good as a job as he usually did of hiding pain.

"What's up?" I asked.

"We need to go for Frank and the Argo. Now."

I blinked. "How do you know where they are? How we gonna sneak out after curfew? And what if-" I stopped myself. "I'm so lost."

Percy sighed. "Ok, I don't know how I know, I just, know. And how were gonna sneak out? I'm an expert at that."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah most likely. But wait, Perc. Whatever just happened to you; the possession, what if that happened in combat? You could get hurt."

"I'm fine," Percy frowned.

"How do you know?" I pushed.

He hesitated. "I don't. Are we gonna do this or not? Lets move."

He got out of bed and I had to sprint to keep up with him to the armory.

"There's a huge army of trolls, hell hounds, harpies and whatever you can think of. So we need to gear up."

The night air was cool but not chilling so it was very comfortable. I whistled and the sky crackled as Tempest flew down and landed a few feet from me. Percy simply closed his eyes and concentrated. Blackjack emerged from nowhere, and he still stunned me. I'd never seen a black pegasus before.

"Ok," Percy hopped on Blackjack. "Just stay by me and we'll get there. Like I said I don't know how, but I just KNOW where they are."

I nodded. "You better not be wrong."

"About time!" Frank sighed. His arm and shoulder seemed to be bothering him so we have him some ambrosia which he took without hesitation.

"Sorry," I said. "We would've been sooner but someone," I cocked my head towards Percy, "had a little 'incident'."

Percy punched me in the gut, for about the eighth time in a few days.

"Anyways," Percy glared at me, "I know where the Argo ll is. Don't ask how, I'll explain later. Lets move."

Frank transformed into a dragon thing and followed us to where Percy was talking about.

We were flying over some mountains that Piper would love, they had wildflowers in valleys and I caught a glimpse of some weird deer things.

"Stop," Percy suddenly said. We froze midair and Percy pointed at a mountain with a bunch of little figures moving around, and I realized they were trolls.

We landed behind a huge boulder and told Tempest and Blackjack to stay out if harms way, but in earshot in case we need to flee.

Percy took a piece of paper out of his pocket and stared at it. I assumed it was like a map or something, but I looked over his shoulder and it was a picture of Annabeth. It struck me that this is exactly what Backendorf did on the cruise ship with Percy, just before he died. Percy told me all about that day.

I said, "it's okay, you'll see her. I know it."

He put on his troublemaker smirk and sad bravely. "Yeah, I know."

Frank opened his mouth to say something, then a scruffy voice of a troll shouted, "DEMIGODS! MUST DIE!"

"Oh," I said

"Crap," Percy finished.



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