Lauren uncrossed her arms and stood up straight, "Give me ten minutes."


Joan thought it'd be better for us to walk since I skip out of gym class every day anyways.

I was stuck between Camila and Lauren on the middle of the sidewalk. I was mentally trying to push every little fangirl question about 'camren' that I could towards the back of my mind. Although I knew it would make them mad, I've at least won over Camila so, I'm sure she'd be completely up about that whole relationship.

But I decided to keep my mouth shut because that's worked with me so far.

I put my hands in my pockets and kept the short pace while the birds chirped in the trees of the surrounding mansions. Camila reached into my hoodie pocket to grab my hand and quickly pull my person into hers. Her hold was locked on me and she shivered, "You should've told me to bring a jacket too. I'm freezing."

"Camz, it's sixty degrees. Of course we should've brought jackets." Lauren walked up behind Camila and I to grab her by her waist and pull her away from me. "You don't have to hog Y/N's heat. She needs it, too."

Camz stopped and held her arms out towards Lauren, "Then would you like to share heat with me."

I turned on my heel with very wide eyes, trying to make sure I heard what I heard and if this was normal behavior. I mean, a big portion of their days living in my house consists of them trying to stay away from each other.

Lauren shrugged and whispered, "Why not?" then walked over to pull Camila's hip next to hers as they started walking side by side. Eventually, I was stunned so bad that they walked right passed me down the concrete hill.  It signaled me to get my feet to move in their direction, watching them walk away from me.

"The one time I don't have my phone." I muttered to myself, watching the two women turn the corner towards the convenience store.


Ding Dong.

The small alert over the door informed everyone in the store that I had just entered.

Camila was pulling handfuls of candy bars into her grasp while Lauren was standing at the soda fountain to pick out her cup and drink. As I walked up to get my own cup, she stuck the styrofoam under the nozzle and let the cup fill up with soda.

"What are you getting to drink, Y/N?" She asked me while still paying attention to the cup, trying to stick a lid on it.

"Coke, i guess."

"Don't get ahead of yourself. We don't do Coke unless there's an after party later that night." Lauren looked up with a happy smile. I didn't really know how to respond and she saw the shock on my face which only started her laughter. "I'm joking. Sometimes I say things as a joke and I guess it comes off seriously. Dinah even calls me a diva."

"Dinah calls you a diva?" I asked, putting my cup under the soda nozzle.

"You act like I don't seem like a bitch." She smirked, leaning against the counter. She pulled the cup up to her lips to wrap them around the straw.

After the minor daydream she had put me into, I brought myself back to reality to try and make a witty comeback. "Oh, you seem like a bitch. Just not a diva."

Lauren coughed on her soda and smiled towards me, "That's probably the first time in a while that someone called me a bitch."

"You probably deserved it then, too." I said jokingly, teasing her so much that she started to poke and tickle at spots on my body.

"You're just lucky I like you, or else I wouldn't let you get away with that shit."

I could hear the way her voice said 'like' and she noticed it, too. Mentally, she was beating herself up about it. Mostly because even I knew she didn't mean to say that.

I didn't want to hear it anyways. I was fine not having feelings get into a conversation. She had been ignoring me since the kiss and I really didn't want to give her the upper hand on my emotions.

I put the lid on my cup and pushed passed her to walk towards Camila.

The fit Latina was sitting criss cross on the floor with a few stacks of candy bars gathered around her. She was checking the backing of a M&M's package, reading the nutritional facts.

"Why do you do that?" I asked her curiously, sipping on my soda.

"Do what?" She looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

"All of you girls. You're always so worried about what's on the back of the box. Don't you guys ever just want to grab something that looks good without worrying about carbs?" I leaned against one of the bolted down candy racks.

"And get bullied for not being the fit size that is socially acceptable by society?" Camila made a slight giggle and continued. "Thanks, but I'll take my chances."

I quirked my head at her in disbelief. Many people wouldn't realize but Camila was very OCD when it came to counting calories and cutting carbs. She said that the numbers along with words on pages soothed her nerves when she had to go on stage and channel Karla for the night. I disagreed with the whole thing, but she still seemed to be very much endowed with controlling her life the best that she could.


After retrieving the receipt for my candy bar and drink, I walked out of the store and saw Lauren waiting on the corner of the building, leaned with her back against the wall, sipping on the ice cold drink.

Her eyes turned to meet mine and she nodded me over. My feet moved from under me without warning and before I knew it, I was walking up to her.

She reached out for my free hand and grabbed to pull me passed the corner, away from the view of the entrance. Her hand reached down to my hip as she leaned my side against the back wall of the store. Her head leaned in to connect her lips to mine for a quick second, then she pulled only centimeters away to whisper. "Meet me in your room when you get back to the house. I'm gonna get a head start." She pecked my lips once more before starting to jog away to my house.

I did a little tremble, feeling the built up emotions start to travel down my spine as I finally opened my eyes.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and scarcely turned around to see Camila with two bags of candy bars on her arms. "Why are you standing here, Y/N?"

"I-uh-I was waiting for you." I smiled, trying to keep my cool. I reached out to grab her hand and nodded my head towards the sidewalk, "Can I accompany you back to the house, M'lady?"

"I'd be ever so obliged." She mocked in a southern belle accent, pulling me towards the tall concrete hill.


a/n: it's taken me almost 2 fucking weeks to write this god forsaken chapter lmaoo

- agf

Souled Out ➳ Lauren JaureguiWhere stories live. Discover now