Lost? 《Wirt X Reader》

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"Wirt? Greg?" You trailed behind the two people in front of you, "Are we lost?" You asked, avoiding each root of the trees that almost made you trip.

"Lost? No." Wirt says, lifting his hands in the air as defense.

"Wirt, are you lying? You said we were lost a few minutes ago." Greg says, putting his rock up to Wirt's face, "And that's a rock fact!"

You chuckled and patted Greg's head, "You are adorable!" You giggled.

"Yeah! But not as cute as Wirt!" He screamed. You blushed. "Wha-what?"

"You know. Wirt, my frog!"

"Haha! I thought you meant, Wirt, as in your brother." You stiffled a laugh.

"No, no. I call my brother Kitty!"

You burst into laughter. "Oh my God! That's hilarious!" You laughed.

Wirt blushed.

The three of you walked into an opening with flowers and such. One non-creepy place. Yay.

"Uh, Greg. Go and play around," Wirt told his brother, "We'll rest here for a while." Wirt said as Greg ran off.

You sat down in the middle of the flowers and laid down. "Wirt, come over here." You commanded. He walked over to you and sat down next to you.

You pushed yourself upwards and got his hat, placing it over your face.

"I'm happy that we get to spend this much time together." You say, turning to Wirt.

"Even though we're lost?" He asked.

You grinned and stood up, pointing your finger at him. "Haha! You admited it!" You screamed.

He stared at you for a while, making this wierd face that screamed, "WTH?"

"Heh. Guess I fell for that one." He chuckled.

You knelt down and tossed your arms over his shoulders. "Are we ever gonna get back home?" You whispered. He shook his head, "I'm not sure, Y/N."

"... In that case..." you stood up and held his hat, "... Until we get back home! I am going to keep your hat!" You screamed. "Hey Everyone! I'm Wirt! I like Sarah and tried making a tape for her but ended up failing and Greg got me lost in the uknown!" You copied his voice.

"Hey! That's not funny!" He blushed.

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