A bunch of BS

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I was looking at my drafts from like a year ago and I am dying of laughter, wtf was I thinking omg.

Here's a draft from when I first discovered the Wattpad 😂😂😂😂:

We were moving into a new house, away from my old friends, old life, and it was all because of my aunt's stupid job..

I live with my Aunt Sandy after my parents decided to not take care of me when I was four...well my mom was a drug addicted and didn't want me because she didn't want a 'stupid' kid, and my father...he didn't want me because he thought he wasn't ready for kids at the age of 18, yeah they were both very young and dumb, very dumb. But i'm always thankful of my aunt, who was 25 at the time, decided to take care of me.

We were moving to Los Angeles, California, into a modern house, not too big, but also not too small.

"Grab some bags, we have to unpack very quickly, sweetie." my aunt flow grabbed some bags and walks towards the house. I grabbed some bags in went inside the house, the house was truly beautiful, unlike our old flat.

We finished packing and Sandy 'had to go to a meeting right away' so I was stuck in the house alone. That's when I remembered...I go to SCHOOL tomorrow.

"No! Shit! Fuck! Heavens no!" I cursed to myself. I REALLY don't wanna go through the whole 'New school. New start' thing. I always have bad first days.

I found this very funny...bye


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