34: Want It Back

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I wake up to the screaming of a boy.
"Please stop" the boy pleaded. In front of me, pined to the wall with knives is the Kid Flash and beside him, the Reverse-Flash holding a hand full of knives. I'm laying on the floor in a small pool of blood. My shoulder was wrapped in a ripped piece my sleeve. I'm in a small cage made of steel. My wrists are in a pair of steel shackles that are attached to the wall. The cage is in the corner of the room. I must've passed out from all the blood I lost. I sat up in the cage, making more noise then I intended to.
"Ah! I see that you're awake", said the Reverse-Flash, "So let's get started!" And he stuck the rest of the knives in the wall and walked away.

"How'd you get here", asked the Kid Flash.
"I could ask you the same", I replied.
"Well", he started," I attended the Art Gala because a little birdie told me your friend would show up. Then by the end of the night the Reverse-Flash came barging in to my place claiming to be looking for the Flash' and grab me and brought me here. I told you about me now tell me 'bout you."
"Well, I also attended to the Art Gala and as I was leaving..." I stopped because the Reverse-Flash entered.
"Ah! Where was I", said the Reverse-Flash," Oh yeah, the fun was just beginning!" He walked over to my cage and opened it. "Get up!", he yelled. " Get up now!"
"Hey give her a minute, dude!", said Kid Flash.
      The Reverse-Flash grabbed one of the knives off the wall but before he could do any harm, I got up and kicked it out of his hand. He took another one off the wall and quickly grabbed my right wrist and carved his symbol on it. Then he super-sped to Kid Flash and did the same thing. He unhooked the shackles from the wall and super-sped me to the middle of the room. He re-hooked them to the two post and pushed me down to my knees.
"What do you want from me?!" I asked daringly.
" You know, you're stronger than I thought!" said the Reverse-Flash rhetorically. He didn't answer my question. Since he didn't answer my statement, I'm not giving him my time of day, I just stared at him in disgust. A few minutes later, I finally spoke up
   "I remember you..." I trailed off, "Your the one who killed my Aunt!" I exclaimed.
"Yes I know," he started "I meant to kill you. You destroyed my life the second you were born." He finished. Interrupting him I said, "What did I ever do to you?"
"You Eliana Thawne, you ruined my life!"
"My name is Sapphire Starr!"
"No it's not. It's Eliana Thawne, your aunt gave you a new name to protect you."
"Why should I believe you!"
"Stop interrupting me, twerp!" and he slaps me across the face.
He continued," Before you were born I was going to be the rightful ruler of planet steel, but then when you and your brother, Ethan Thawne, came along..."
" What brother?" I asked. And he slaps me again.
   "What did I say about interrupting! Oh yeah! You don't know! How could I forget such an important detail? You have a twin brother! He's over there." He said pointing to Kid Flash. We both looked shocked.
" This doesn't even make sense, how can Wally West be my twin brother he's three years older then me." I said, still shocked.
"You'll see," he said and continued from where he left off , " Before you were born I was going to be the rightful ruler of Planet Steel, but then when you, Eliana Thawne, and your brother, Ethan Thawne, came along you took all that away from me. So I intended to kill you, by bringing over all that steel but my stupid brother, your dad, sent you to planet Earth far far away from me. Your father, Thaddeus Thawne, and your mother, Daisy West, sent you to your aunt, Stacy Starr and your brother to your uncle , Joe West. They both renamed you to protect you from me. Your parents sent you individually in a space craft. Ethan's landed safely in central city, while your's got lost in space for three days. But three space days were three earth years. So Ethan turned three when you arrived to earth. Your aunt moved to gotham city so you would never run into Wally. And when you got to earth I couldn't find you. For three years I searched, until I saw you and your aunt driving, I raced up to kill you but that stupid woman turned her car to save you and I ended up killing her. For 11 years I've been searching everywhere for you until today. You ruined my life so I'm going to ruin yours!"
" But why are you after me and not the both of us?" I asked curiously.
"Because when your brother first got his powers, I tracked him down, kidnapped him and injected him with a special formula that prevents him from travelling into the future. He's only able to travel back to the past or stay in the present. So now you're the only rightful one able to claim the throne." he said ,"And I'll give you time to reflect and make a decision."
"Wait what decision?" I asked and he slapped me again and super-sped me back to cage.
     "To get some food for you and Wally but have to come somewhere with me or stay here with no food. Your choice!" said the Reverse-Flash and walked out. Without a doubt I knew what I would choose, I had no choice. I would have to choose the first one because yes its been a few days with no food and yes I was pretty hungry but the Kid Flash was more. Food was his number one weakness and we all knew it.

My Super-StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin