Running a hand through my hair in frustration, I come upon a door with a sign above it that says "MEDICAL"

    'This must be the nurses office.' I mentally groan, 'Hopefully I can get some directions from her.'

    Knocking twice before walking in, I see a man (not a woman like I assumed) looking as though he was maybe in his later twenties, sitting at a desk looking through some paperwork. He was a strange looking man with golden-brown eyes and longer blondish-white hair. He wore a long lab coat and a darker tan vest with silver glasses. 

    He was quite handsome.

    When he heard me come in, he looked up. His eyes widened in shock, but it was hidden so quickly that if I hadn't of already been looking at him, I would've missed it. He then greeted my with a friendly smile.

    "Oh my, I don't believe I've seen you before," he said in a gentle voice.

    'This man is dangerous.' I growl mentally as I throw a sunny smile back. "It would be quite a large surprise if you had. I'm new, technically I start tomorrow, but I figured I'd come today to get my schedule and find where my classes are while I really don't have a lot going on." I lie with ease. Not even hinting to the tug that has been pounding on my being since five months ago, screaming at me to 'come here'.

    "That is very wise of you." The man praised, then he paused for a second. "Forgive me, I should introduce myself," He stood, standing a good foot and a half above me. Bowing slightly, he put his right hand over his heart. "My name is Reinhart, I'm the schools doctor." 

    "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Reinhart. My name is Iris BloodsWorth, I moved here two days ago." I greeted before copying the doctors bow, "Please look after me." After standing straight again, I look at Reinhart. "I'm sorry, but do you mind pointing me in the direction of the office? I seem to have gotten lost." I ask quickly before he begins to ask questions he has no business asking.

    "Of course, when you go out these doors, hook a left, then go down the first flight of stairs you see, then just keep going right until you see the office sign." He chuckled, giving me that gentle smile again.

    My skin prickles in warning even as I shoot him my brightest, most clueless smile, "Thank you, you have my gratitude."

    Wanting to get out of that room with him, and fast, I quickly back out of the doorway and almost run into a male student with grey hair and blue-steel eyes, he was around the doctors height, and had a black chocker around his neck and piercings in his ear, which I found odd, most private schools don't allow jewelry to show...especially piercings. Time seemed to slow as I walked past him, like one predator sizing up another, his eyes seemed to widen as I broke my gaze with him and continued on my way.

    Whatever he was, he wasn't strong enough to take on a full-blooded demon, not worth my worry.
I smirk and continue down the darkened hallway of this huge night school.

* * * *
Time Skip (six hours later)
* * * *

Diabolik Lovers X Reader: A Devious Family SurpriseWhere stories live. Discover now