Chapter 2-Amnesia

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I was woken up by Felix and Marzia laughing at the kitchen table over bacon they were eating. 

"I smell bacon. Hit me with it." Felix responded by throwing a peice of bacon at me and shrugging. "Well thats a weird way to request breakfast." He said. I glared at him and picked up the food. "Well it's not the way I imagined eating my food but it'll work. I bit into the food and nodded. "Not bad."

"Whadda wanna do today?" Felix asked us. "We havn't played Amnesia in a while." I said as a sugestion. "Yes!" He said. Felix stood up and gave me a high five. "We're filming it too right?" Marzia asked us. Me and Felix paused and looked at her like she was crazy. "Duh!" We said symoltaniously. 

When we finished eating and talking we went up to his room and set up his webcamera and the game. It was another custom story. "Haha hey how's it gin' bros? My neame's PEWWWWDIEPIE! I'm here with my lovely girlfriend and best friend and we're going to play another custom story on Amnesia." He said into the camera and began the game. 

So far nothing happened. We work up on the floor, (Typical Amnesia) and we have to look around for the key to the door. Once we found it we went into a creepy looking room with blood stains on the walls. At this point Marzia was covering her eyes and Felix had his arms around her. 

"Don't worry Marzia. I'll protect you." He said snuggling her close. "You're on your own Scarlett." He said. I gave him a sweet smile and in the nicest voice I could I replied. "Aha you're an asshole." That made him and Marzia laugh and he gave me another hug. 

Progressing through the game we were in another weird looking room. There were shangles everywhere and creepy bloodstained phrases on the wall like "You won't make it." "Don't turn around." "He'll get you the way he got us." "Goodbye." As soon as we read the last message a really scary face shot up on the screen. Felix got scared and fell backwards. Marzia was pulled down with him but he broke her fall. He hit his head hard on the edge of a table nearby. He had his eyes closed and passed out for onlya few seconds.

"Oh my god Felix are you okay?" I asked still sitting in my chair. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Yeah I'm fine. But uh... Why is she on top of me?" Me and Marzia let out a little laugh. "You had your arm around me and got scared so we both fell." She explained and he looked at her confused. "ehe. Why did I have my arm around you?" that made both of our smiles drop. "Because I'm your girlfriend. Thats what couples do." Marzia had the tears briming her eyes and he looked even more puzzled. "What girlfriend. I don't even know you." 

I looked at him for a moment, serching his face for any indication that he was joking. "Okay you can quit playing" When he just stared at me with hopelssness in his eyes I panicked."No. No no no no no no Felix." I scrabled off my chair and at his side. Marzia had small tears spilling down her face. "She's you're girlfriend and I'm your best friend. You have to remember us." I pressed. He looked at us and at his surroundings. "Whats that on the screen. It's creepin' me out. Where am I?"

I looked over at Marzia and hugged her. "Hey, we'll get him through this. He'll be fine. Lets get him to a hospital." She nodded and we both grabbed him, making him stand and got him to the car. In a hurry we drove off to the nearest hospital, Marzia crying in the back seat with Felix right next to me. 

"Don't cry lady, You're freakin' me out." He said looking at her. She let out another sob and tried to collect herself. I gave him a look that told him to stop talking. Then I faced Marzia. "He'll be okay. I promise." I said more to myself then her. He has to be okay. He just has to.

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