Where it all began.

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I like to be alone. I don’t know why, but I like to walk alone and spend time with myself. I guess it’s the only way to find out about yourself, right? Well, that’s how I think about it. I mean, don’t get me wrong, when I see people giggling with their friends or walking with their lover, kissing and hugging, or a child walking hand in hand with her parents, I get jealous. The thing is, I choose to be alone. But, I don’t like to be lonely.

So, I guess that’s why I’m going to the Guertena art gallery, right? Hopefully, I’ll find people like me and I won’t feel so lonely.

It’s the walking I hate. I don’t know why, but people stare like you are some freak. Or it’s my ragged coat. It’s probably my ragged coat, but I did buy it like this. However, now that I think of it, I’ve had it for many years and it’s the only coat I wear. Maybe it’s time to invest in a new coat.

Great, the first thing I see when I walk into the museum is a young girl holding her parents hands. Oh, I do wish I had a relationship like that with my parents. Anyway, they are getting pamphlets. Should I get a pamphlet? No, I don’t need one. I’ll read the informa- Nevermind, the man is handing me a pamphlet.

“Here you go, sir. Enjoy your visit.” He is way too chirpy for his job. I mean, all he does it just hand out leaflets. Why is he so happy? Come on, people look at him and some people even just, point-blank, be rude and say “Fuck off!”

“Thanks.” I am a one word person to people. Maybe that’s why I don’t have many friends. Maybe that’s why I don’t really have any friends. I mean, you can’t really have a conversation with me. In my head I will have a sophisticated conversation; I just struggle to get the words out of my mouth. I guess that I’m just not made out to be a people person. Maybe I’ve just got so used to being alone, that I can’t even speak to other humans.

I may as well go look at art. I did come to an art museum.

This Guertena guy did some weird things. If I’m honest, I am a big fan of these.  I cannot stop starting at the art “The Hanging Man” I mean, I’ve never seen anything like it.

Wow, this one is amazing! What’s this called?

“Ab… Of the sea.. I don’t know this word.” That’s the girl from the reception. She is so cute! Wait, where is her mother and father, though? Oh well, they probably let her go on her own. She seems pretty sensible and doesn’t look like the mischievous sort of child.

“You pronounce it as ‘abyss’ of the deep.” Such innocence.

“Thank you!” But, the way she looked at me when I told her how to pronounce it. She looked so happy. Garry, you’re smiling, stop it! I am on my own and grinning like the Cheshire cat. But, she looked at me like I was amazing because I could say ‘abyss’. Also, can I just congratulate you, Garry? You said more than one word to someone. In fact you said… (You-pronounce-it-as-‘abyss’-of-the-deep) eight words! You said eight words to someone. I am slowly making progress. Now, I need to stop grinning and stop being too supportive of myself all because I said seven more words than I usually do. But, I am doing pretty well for me. Good job, Garry.

Well, next painting we shall go s- what on earth is going on? It’s gone all dark!

Okay, the lights are back on.

Well, which one was I going to see?

Wait, it’s gone really quiet… Wow, I look down for a second and everyone is gone. But, I am certain that this place was filled with conversations of little ones and elderly and everyone in-between. This place was filled with laughter and speech. Where did they all go?

Okay, so I’ll just run down the stairs to the reception and WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? Oh my God! Someone definitely went past that window. I don’t care what you say, Garry, someone didn and you know that you saw it! Okay, carry on, Garry. Carry on.

And would you look at that, just as I thought, no one is there, “Okay, this was a great time I had here, but I’ll leave a tip for your tip-top service and lea- What?” You’ve got to be kidding me. “Erm, fuck your tip, then!” I’ve been fucking locked in. Don’t swear, Garry, and don’t be rude, people could be here. Maybe it’s all a prank, and if it is then I’m going to murder those people. Not literally, but mentally I will imagine them getting a huge freaking pamphlet put up their arse! “OH MY FUCKING GOD!” I am hyperventilating and I need to calm down. The lights are dim and I may be locked in here for a while and I don’t like this. Okay, I’m just going to go walk around the place and maybe find ‘clues’ on how to get out or ‘clues’ to tell me what’s going on.

Hmm, I didn’t get round to seeing this quirky piece of art, ‘Fabricated world’ you say. Neat, wait, is there writing underneath? “Come down below, Garry, I’ll show you a secret.”

Shit, shit, shit, shit, what the actual...!

Okay, if this is a prank then they are putting way too much effort in. Really, printing ‘Come Garry’ on the floor in red paint? But, where did it come from? And why the hell did it make so much banging?

Okay, now Garry, what you’re going to do is just ignore that and carry on with your journey in this lovely place.

Walking, right foot, left foot, boredom is going to murder me now; I’ve seen all these images over one thous- what? Really, ‘the coughing man’ freaking coughed! Man, I’m not too keen on this! I’m going upstairs.

*Bang bang bang* No no no no no no! I saw someone’s hand. It was definitely there and they even left hand prints. Nooo….

Garry, you’re a grown man and you’re almost in tears from this. But, you know what, I don’t care. This is some creepy shit. I’m done with upstairs. I didn’t get past the last step, like, but I’m done!

“Come on Garry…” Are you kidding me? There are going to be creepy voices calling my name, now? Note to self: Never go to an art museum again. Okay, go look at that big floor painting, I liked that. I mean, it was rather relaxing and I kind of need to be relaxed, right now. Come on, Garry, you’re a grown man. I mean, you’re nineteen, now- soon twenty. You are still getting scared at petty little things, like voices and what the hell is going on, now?

Fantastic, this is just amazing. The image that I was all like ‘oh it’ll relax you’ has some adorable foot prints coming out of it. Wait, what’s that? It looks like actual water. Man, in this lighting, Guertena’s art looks really freaking realist- Woah!

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