"So Rishabh is back in the hostel?" Nishi asked.

Nandini nodded. "I had been getting ready to go and visit him, when ma told me he had been discharged already."

"How did she know?"

"She knew Prithvi had been taking care of the whole thing, so when she met him outside, she asked him and he told her. He had been returning after taking Rishabh to the hostel," she smiled unconsciously, feeling as pleased as she had been when her mother had told her.

"For someone who is just friends with Prithvi, it is odd how you blush every time you talk about him," Vrinda injected suspiciously, and Nishi giggled.

"Hey look, the festival's posters," Nandini exclaimed, and quickly stood up and walked towards the beautiful, vibrant hoardings on the canteen's walls.

"They've been here all this time. Funny how you just saw them," Nishi observed, joining her nevertheless.

"By the way, did you hear the latest news about your play?" Vrinda asked in hushed tones.

"It's not my play," Nandini said resolutely. "You know I've already told Daya that I will not be participating in it."

She had spent a harrowing hour trying to convince Daya. But she had finally been able to persuade Daya to cast the second choice – a very pretty second year student – in place of her.

"But you are still the understudy,"

"That's bearable, because I know for sure I won't be called upon to perform. I'm just so happy I don't have to go on stage," Nandini said fervently.

"That news hasn't spread as yet, everyone still thinks you are going to be part of it. And that brings me to the main news," Vrinda lowered her volume. Nishi and Nandini exchanged puzzled looks.

"I overheard Daya talking to her friends when I was waiting for you both. Suvek is going to play the part of the prince. And she was saying that he pestered her into casting him in the role and throwing out the boy who had already been finalised. I think he did it because you'd been chosen for the main role. Now that you've backed out, he's going to be mighty angry. Now I know you think we have been imagining that he likes you but -"

"No, I don't think you've been imagining it," she said quietly. "I – I think you two were right about him. There is something funny in the way he behaves with me. And now I'm even more relieved that I opted out of the play."

Three times since morning she had caught him staring at her, and every time, there had been a strange look in his eyes that was partly triumphant and partly something else….and it had repulsed her.   

"Thank god you finally believe us! It's really creepy to think that he's muscled his way to become the lead just because he believes you'll be opposite him. I hope he comes to his senses soon," Nishi frowned.

"I don't feel comfortable even talking to him," Nandini confessed.

Prithvi... [Vol 2]Where stories live. Discover now