The Dance

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"What was he saying to you?" Christina asked her exasperated.

They were now standing in a corner of the banquet, away from people.

"He asked me if I'd go to college." Lee stuttered and looked away seeing how intimidating her sister looked.

Christina noticed this and softened a bit. It was not her sister's fault that Carl had been such a jerk to her. After being in a relationship for two years, he had dumped her for no fucking reason. He didn't even care to give her an explanation as to why he did it. She felt used and she was hurt beyond anything. Maybe she still liked him a little bit and she was mad at herself for that.

"Never mind. He is a jerk" she huffed. "don't ever talk to him LeeAnn, okay?" she touched her arm.

LeeAnn wasn't going to talk to him anyway.


"You may now kiss the bride." the minister's words echoed through the hall and the whole crowd erupted with cheers.

Lee smiled at the pair on the stage. Her older brother Thomas was finally getting married. She felt happy for him and his new sister in law.

The whole wedding Carl had been watching her. His heart warmed when he saw her smile, it was a rare sight to see and it pleasured him immensely. He wanted to make her smile like that some day.

Lee noticed his eyes on her and immediately stopped smiling. She turned away to find a new hiding place only to be stopped by her mother.

"Lee baby, come with me." it wasn't a request, it was an order. Mrs. Haden was a strong headed woman who had taken care of all her children single handedly. She was a 'no nonsense' woman who no one dared to argue with.

"Mama, where....." before she could ask, her mother had dragged her towards a group of fine looking ladies and a boy who was probably her age. He saw LeeAnn and smiled at her. Lee averted her gaze to her mother.

"LeeAnn, this is Mrs. Hudson of the 'entirety' group" her mother introduced her to a Lady in her fiftees. She had a warm smile. "Your father is in a venture with their company.And this..." she pointed to the dark haired boy who had been standing there with a small smile playing on his lips the entire time. "is George, their son. He is going to be in your school for this year."

Lee nodded her head in response not sure what else to do.

"Go ahead darling, talk to him" her mother nudged her.
Lee stared at him wide eyed.

"Or better Mrs. Haden." Mrs. Hudson smiled towards her son. "George, why don't you take this pretty girl for a dance?"

"Ohh that would be wonderful." Mrs. Haden.exclaimed smiling. She whispered in LeeAnn's ear a 'be nice' and pushed her into George's arms.


George had his arms around LeeAnn's waist, maybe a little too tight for comfort. She didn't dare look him in the eye. George wasn't too tall but still he towered over her. Everyone was taller than LeeAnn.

"How old are you?" he asked smiling down at her swaying her to the music along with him.

"Seventeen" she whispered.

"Do u always talk in a whisper?" George chuckled taking her hand.

"No." Lee spoke averting her gaze. She didn't want to be in someone's arms she didn't knew. It was getting way too uncomfortable for her.

"Well incase u are wondering, I am seventeen too." he chuckled.

Lee didn't reply to this.

"You are pretty." George said slowly testing his words.

Lee looked at him for a moment and then averted her gaze again, not responding.

Carl saw them both dancing. The boy was too close for both his and LeeAnn's comfort. His fists were balled and he was ready to pounce and punch the little punk but he refrained himself from doing so. He looked at the chump's hands on her waist, he wanted nothing but rip them off of her. He gulped down his vodka and glared at the pair.

"Would you like to go out with me sometime, LeeAnn?" George asked her making her look him in the eye.

But all his dreams were shattered when Lee replied with a quick no, shaking her head furiously.

George didn't pay much heed to it thinking of her as just a shy girl. He brought her body even closer to his if that was even possible and began tracing her waist. "Just once?" he whispered.
His hands travelled to her hips and suddenly he was pushed back by Lee.

"You dare do that again!" she glared at him menacingly.

George stared at her wide eyed. He didn't think that a girl like her would react this way.

Carl watched Lee as she glared at George. He was about to get up and take care of the situation but held back when he saw Chris putting a hand on George's shoulder, probably telling him to piss off.

George was off in seconds. He watched Chris taking hold of LeeAnn's hands, putting them around his neck. LeeAnn leaned in and sighed.

"What happened?" Chris asked concern evident in his voice.

"Mom." she replied.

"!Jeez! I have to have a talk with Mom." Chris exclaimed exasperated. He knew his little sister too well and how she got uncomfortable around other people. But somehow his mother was dead set on making her a social butterfly. He scanned the crowd and noticed his big brother and his wife dancing with each other, lovingly holding each other's gaze. He wanted that with his girlfriend Cara who he had been dating since a few months. He knew it was too soon but he was pretty sure that she was the one for him. Thinking about her made him smile.

Carl watched the brother sister duo dance. He wished to have that kind of a relationship with Lee some day, someone she is comfortable and happy around. He couldn't help but feel jealous of the fact that someone was closer to her than himself.

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