Chapter 1. Coffee Club Kind Of Day

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I do not remember the last time I woke up at 8:00 on a Sunday.. I think I was 15 and was just too eager to get out of bed for Christmas.. But now I'm 25 and I don't celebrate Christmas or get up before noon on Sunday's.

I made my way to the kitchen and dragged my feet through the tiny hall of my 1 bedroom apartment, I was not happy to be awake. When I got to the kitchen I decided that I could not be bothered with making my own coffee, hell to the no. And I didn't have milk so off to the coffee club we go. I decided that grey sweats and a plain white t-shirt and slip on Kmart shoes were the perfect attire for the coffee club so I grabbed my keys and my velcro wallet and made my way to my 1987 Alfa Romeo 164, which I had lovingly named The Alfa Lemeo, because any car before the 1990's is a complete lemon. I jiggled the handle until the car locks jiggled out of their locked state and dropped into the front seat. I started the car and drove the 2kms to the coffee club and ordered my extra tall hazelnut latte with an extra 3 shots and patiently waited. That's when I saw her, oh how I felt when I saw her. Jesus Christ, she was beautiful. So beautiful in fact, that I wished I had chosen better Kmart shoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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