Are Dreams Real?

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"Reagan," a voice called out from the darkness.

I peered into the shadows trying to make something out of the pitch black surrounding me. I couldn't see anything no matter how hard I squinted. I wanted to stop and just give up, I wasn't finding what I was hoping to find, and it was getting frustrating because I kept hearing the soft voice, of whoever this was, whispering my name. Worst part about it was, it sounded like it came from all directions making it even harder to find where it was coming from.


The sudden magnification of the voice caught me off guard and sent my to my butt. My eyes quickly searched the darkness again even though I knew I wouldn't find anything. The only reason I tried again was because it seemed different this time; the voice was much louder and clearer. I could definitely make it out to be a males voice.

"Who's there?" I asked, summoning up all the courage I had buried deep inside me, but to my disappointment, I sounded even weaker than I thought I could ever sound.

"You don't remember me? Ouch, that stings," I watched with attentiveness as a dark figure moved out of the darkness and into the light, in which I sat. His jet black hair glistened and his dark skin turning to a light tan, almost white, as the light hit. When he looked up, my breath caught in my throat.

"No," I whispered.

"Yes," He said back, there was no hesitation in his voice when he spoke, only pure authoritativeness.

His bright blue eyes pierced through me making me feel vulnerable and oddly naked. It was like he was peering into my soul.

"You know why I've come, don't you?" he questioned; his eyebrows raising up on his forehead.

I opened my mouth to speak but it felt as if I had forgotten how to speak, so instead I shook my head to answer his question.

"Pity. Well, I think I'll leave you to find it out on your own, because what fun is it to tell and ruin the secret?"

I sat there and stared at him confused. I watched as he turned around and started to walk back into the darkness. I don't really know what had come over me, but in an instant, I was on my feet and at his heels. My hand reached out to grab his wrist, but as soon as my fingers came in contact, they went right through his arm. I stopped dead in my tracks, dumbfounded.

"You can't touch me. I'm a figment of your imagination," he stated with his back to me.

He then turned around to face me and his hand came up to my face, making me flinch. But instead of hitting me, his fingers rested under my chin and lifted my face to look up at his.

When I looked into his eyes, they weren't the piercing blue from before. No, they were softer now, and his face wasn't so tense. He kind of looked more like his age now that he didn't act so grown up. It was comforting.

"I hurt you because I love you," he said and then he planted a kiss on my forehead.

I had closed my eyes not knowing what he was doing until it had already happened, but when I opened them, he was gone, and I was left alone with my thoughts and his puzzling actions.

What does he mean by 'I hurt you because I love you'?

Why did he kiss my forehead?

Who is he?


My eyes snapped open and the world was fuzzy and dark. I could feel the cold seeping through my clothes and into my already freezing body. The smell of the forest filled my senses and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

As everything came into focus, I noticed the dead leaves that were laying by face face, just as still as I. I could see the trees that towered above me, reaching into the sky, towards the sun that was slowly yet surely peaking over the horizon.

The branches above shifted, sending new leaves down to the forest floor so the ones already there would have new companions.

When one stroked the side of my face a cold wind blew in and consumed my entire body, and that's when I realized that this wasn't a dream. If it was a dream, then I wouldn't be this cold. I wouldn't be this aware of what was going on around me.

My dreams have consisted of the male that I have seen walking with me through the forest as I walk to ease my troubled mind. I see him when I walk through the academy grounds, as he walks along with me on the other side of the fence, in the distance.

It's as if he can't cross the boundary that separates the academy from the forest. He is always there when I look outside, like he's waiting for me. Yet he can't get to me because of the fence.

Then I thought of my dreams. He reaches me in my dreams. Maybe since he can't cross over the boundary physically, he has to do it mentally to reach me. But what does he want?

Another breeze caressed me, making loose hair fly up and then land softly to the side of my face. It is so peaceful out here. I never want to leave.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, inhaling the smell of the Earth. The warmth of the suns rays rested on my face, giving me a fuzzy feeling all over my body. I could feel my muscles relax and a sleepy feeling came over me.

My heartbeat started to slow and my breathing became even and shallow. This was peaceful. I want to stay here forever and ever...

His presence was with me. I know what his spirit feels like. But I wasn't alarmed by his being here. It oddly comforted me.

I could feel myself slipping into darkness as my limbs froze still and my mind became blank. A lightweight feeling rested upon my body and then there was nothing. Still, quiet nothing.

If this is punishment for something, then so be it. He hurts me because he loves me.

My lips parted one last time before falling under the blanket of unconsciousness, not to take a breath, but to instead say the one thing I've concluded that I never could before.

"Maybe dreams are real."

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Heyos!!! Hope you like this chapter!

Thank you for all the support I got with my crash post. We are both doing better. I'm scheduled to go the the chiropractor on Monday to fix my spine, and anything else that needs fixing.

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I love you guys!
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