Understanding Nothing

Start from the beginning

We literally just started dating how do you already know me so well?

Because Grant snapchated me a video of you complaining about your situation, that's how!

Wow, way to ruin the dream

The American Dream has been dead for years.

Woah, chill there Donald Trump

Well if I'm Dolan Tump


Never mind haha, so you need a ride?

That would be much appreciated

What's the address?

With that Connor texted Jack the address and said goodbye. "I am leaving you!"

"I can't fucking hear you nor do I want to!" Grant shouted loudly, the sound of a faucet running also droned in the background.

"Sweaty, we both know you crave to hear my angelic voice whispering in your ear."

Grant groaned as he lifted a large tub filled with water, "the only thing I crave when hear your voice whispering in my ear is my razor blades."

"Harsh" Connor gasped, "that's no way to treat your best friend!"

"I don't treat Amber like that" Grant stated, a teasing smile on his lips. "Now do I?"

"Wow way to ruin my entire night." Connor gasped in agony, "and to think all we have been through, all the memories, all we have fought for."

"All the things I would like to forget." Grant shouted over his shoulder deciding his job was more important than listening to his friend complain.

Connor rushed down the isle towards his friend, "you can't forget perfection."

"Your mom forgot you in the car when you were six."

"She didn't forget me, she was grabbing something and coming back."

"It was the middle of summer."

"Your point?" Connor quirked his eyebrow upwards.

"That man broke the window to soon." Grant sighed before placing the black tub onto the floor.

"Well aren't you in a great mood today?" Connor scowled at his friend.

Grant smiled happily his friends annoyance, "why don't you go see if your boyfriends here and get out of my hair?"

"No, that's exactly what you want me to do."

"No, it's the polite thing to do as I'm pretty sure he is standing outside in the cold right now." Grant motioned to the door the front door where Jack was clearly standing in the bitter cold. "Or let him freeze and die, that's your choice I guess."

"Why didn't you tell me that he was here!" Connor ran to the door, pushing hard against the wind to open it up, "I'm so sorry that you had to wait out here in the cold, it's freezing out here!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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