Crumbling Before my Eyes

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I gathered my things, my faded floral patterned backpack with its tattered straps, threatening to rip any day now, and my wallet, made for me by Acacia so many years ago. 

Why on earth did I still have it? Why had I kept it even after we'd parted ways?

As I held it, I stared at it, at this tiny square made of blue and green duct tape, something so worthless and yet so priceless, a relic of days long gone.

"Ruth, look what I made you!" Acacia cried, digging through her backpack and procuring a tangle of duct tape, interlocking strips of green and blue, with my name taped across the front in black duct tape.

"It's beautiful!" I said as she handed it to me, and I cradled it gently in my hands. "Thank you so much!"

It was so simple, so plain, something that most people would have thrown into a drawer or tossed into a dark corner of their closet and forgotten about. But to me, this wallet was the most wonderful one in the entire world, because Acacia had made it for me. I intended on treasuring it for as long as I lived.

She smiled, her eyes bright and full of life, almost glowing with happiness. 

"You're welcome, I'm glad you like it. I wanted to make something nice for my best friend," she replied.

"I love it," I whispered, running my thumb over the smooth duct tape, which was warm to the touch.

I grinned and gave her a hug, and she hugged me back as if she never wanted to let me go.

I felt tears creeping into the corners of my eyes as my recollection, a tiny shard of a broken past, faded from my mind.

Where had we gone wrong?

What had happened, what had had the power to tear apart such a beautiful friendship?

What had caused someone who was once like a sister to me to stare at me as if I were a stranger?

There must have been signs, there must have been hints that things were falling apart, but I never saw them, not until it was too late.

By the time I'd realized that something was wrong, our friendship was already torn and tattered, already broken beyond repair.

Shocked upon discovering that my relationship with my best friend was failing, I foolishly stood and watched everything I loved crumble before my eyes, helpless and frightened.

If only I hadn't been so blind, so unaware, maybe Acacia would be sitting with me here underneath this huge oak, laughing as we stuffed our books into our bags, ready to brave the world of high school side by side.

If only.

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