“Umm, hi everybody. My name is Alicia and this is Brianna.” I said as I held her up “She’s one month old and I’m sixteen.” I expected them to gasp or snicker but they kept their normal composure. I was a little thrown off by that, but I just sat down as if I wasn’t in shock.

We continued to go around the circle and when we got to the man, the whole room grew quiet. We were all very eager to her why this man was in a Mommy and Me’ class. “Well, I know you’re all wondering why I’m here in this class. I know this is not the time to give a whole summary, but I think it’s the right time to tell you. I’m here because my girlfriend passed away while birthing our son.” Everyone in the room gasped.

“I know.” He continued “She had already paid to come to this session for the full time and I was going to see if I could switch to the ‘Daddy and Me’ class but it was already full. I didn’t want to put the money to waste so…here I am!” He smiled. I could tell he was on the verge of tears but he didn’t want to cry in front of us. “Anyway, my name is Brandon and this is my son Bryson. He’s three months old and I’m seventeen going on eighteen and I’m about to graduate from high school next month.” After that he sat down. The more I looked at him, the more I realized how cute he was. And when I looked closer I was like, “Damn he fine!” but I had to keep myself together because we were in this class.

1 PM

The class is over now, and I was packing up Bre’s and my things when I felt I tap on my shoulder. I turned around and instantly got nervous, it was Brandon. “Yes?” I asked trying not to give off my shyness. “I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you were so I thought I’d stop by and let you know.” He smiled at me “Thanks” I blushed.

That just made my day. “Well, I have to get going now. See you next time!” He said before leaving. I smiled when I was leaving, just thinking about that three second encounter that we had. I don’t know, but I think I’m starting to like him already.

Before I went home, I remembered that I needed to get Bre some more diapers and formula with the money that Marcus gave me. I drove to the closest Walmart , grabbed my purse and Bre and walked in the store. When I put her car seat in the basket, a familiar voice said, “I guess next time came sooner than expected.”

I turned around and saw Brandon. “I guess so!” I chuckled as I smiled at him. He grabbed a basket, put Bryson’s car seat in it, and began to walk with me. “So what are you doing here?” He asked me “I’m getting Bre some more diapers and milk. What about you?” I asked “Same for Bryson.” He smiled.

I almost melted but I had to keep my composure so I wouldn’t be embarrassed. “So, what did you think about class today?” He asked keeping the conversation going “I thought it was nice. I liked getting to know everyone.” I said “Yeah, me too.” He said as we reached the baby aisle.

I was reaching for the formula on the top shelf because that’s the one that I wanted. I was on my tippy toes because I’m kind of short, I heard Brandon chuckling in the background. I almost had it when my foot slipped and I almost fell, but Brandon caught me.

We were staring into each other’s eyes until we both realized what we were doing. We both stood up and I cleared my throat. “Thanks!” I half smiled “Sure thing!” he replied. After we got what we needed, we went to go check out and walked outside.

“I’ll walk you to your car!” Brandon offered “Okay.” I replied. When we got to my car, I put Bre in the backseat along with the items I had just bought. “Hey, umm. Would you like to go to dinner with me this weekend?” Brandon asked me shyly. “Yes!” I screamed more than said.

He looked startled, “Sorry!” I blushed. He chuckled and said, “It’s okay ma. Can I have your number?” “Yeah, of course!” I replied and we exchanged numbers. After we said our goodbye’s we both went our separate ways. When I got in my car I realized something, What am I going to do with Bre? About fifteen minutes later, I got home and called Sandra.

Phone Conversation

“Sandra you will never believe what happened today!” I grinned “What?” She asked “I got asked out on a date!” I squealed. “Oh my gosh! I’m so happy for you!” She cheered. I was so overwhelmed, as we were on the phone I was putting away Bre’s things in her room while she was in her crib gnawing on her fingers.

“So what’s the date going to be?” Sandra asked “He’s taking me to dinner.” I said “Is it going to be fancy or like Apple Bee’s or something?” She asked “I don’t know, let me ask him. I’ll call you back.” We hung up the phone and I called Brandon.

“Hey, Brandon. Where are we going so I can know what to wear?” I asked “I was just about to call you to ask where you liked to eat!” He chuckled “Oh okay, well I like Olive Garden!” I smiled “Okay, well that’s where we’ll go.” He replied “Okay, see you then.” I smiled. We both hung up and I called Sandra back.

“We’re going to Olive Garden!” I said “Isn’t that like your favorite restaurant?” She asked me “Yup!” I said. “Well, what are you going to wear?” She asked “I don’t know, I’m trying to figure that out.” I said “Well, let’s get on ooVoo because I want to see!” She replied. “Alright.” We hung up and got on ooVoo.

End of Phone Conversation

The Next Saturday Night

After talking to Sandra and deciding on my outfit. I took my shower and cooked dinner. I then put Bre to sleep and studied for my final exams that I was going to take next week. After studying for a while, I got a call from Brandon. My face instantly lit up just thinking about him.

We talked on the phone all night long. I hadn’t felt that way in forever, he made me laugh, he made me smile. It was just amazing. Mrs. Price was going to keep Bre again, even though I didn’t want her to. I didn’t want her to feel like she had to watch Bre because that wasn’t her responsibility.

But she and Sandra insisted that they watched her, so I let them. I’m getting ready for my date now and I’m putting on the finishing touches of my make-up. I felt presentable enough, so I grabbed my purse and drove to Olive Garden.

When I got there, I told them Brandon’s name and the waiter led me to the table. He was sitting there in some nice khaki cargo pants, a black polo shirt, and some timberlands. He stood up and handed me some roses after giving me a hug.

“You’re so sweet!” I cheered after we sat down “And you’re beautiful!” He smiled at me. I looked down and blushed. “So, what are you getting?” He asked me as we looked at our menus. “I think I’ll just have the Chicken Alfredo.” I said “Alright, I’ll get the Crispy Parmesan Shrimp,”

After a while, our food and drinks came. We talked the whole time, there weren’t any awkward silences until he asked me the one question that I hoped he wouldn’t.

“So, what happened to Bre’s father?”

A/N: Awwwwwwwwwww, Alicia found somebody. Hopefully! Anyway, please vote and comment! And who knows how to work photobucket? I'm trying to make a slideshow but it's not working.

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