Chapter 1:

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Harani combed her hand through her jet-black hair, holding a picture of herself, her friend Steven Lee, and Ryan standing in front of a museum in Hong Kong. Steven had never wanted to go on the trip, but just for the picture, he actually smiled like he was having fun. They were his best friends. . .or more like his only friends.

"Where did you go, Steven?" She said, staring at the picture as if it would reveal answers. It was 5 months after Steven went missing in Hong Kong. A few hours after he went missing, Steven's mom had gotten a phone call from him saying he wouldn't be back for a while. His parent's hadn't thought much of it at the time, as

usual. But when he didn't come home, his parents started an international manhunt looking for him. Some people had reported seeing him in places all around the globe. Elton, Indiana, Paris, France...But when the police finally got there, Steven was nowhere to found. It was like he had vanished into thin air.

When the investigation into Steven's disappearance had no results, they closed the case. After that, everybody accepted that he was probably lost in the wild or dead or something. But she could never accept the fact that he had just disappeared and wouldn't be coming back. The last time she saw him was after the basement of the museum exploded and she saw him climb out of a hole in the ground as they evacuated the building. Harani would never forget the look of terror plastered on Steven's face. He mouthed the words good-bye before turning and running into the trees with a guy and their supposed "tour guide". Turns out the museum didn't have an employee named "Jumanne".

Harani's phone vibrated and her ringtone belted out from the device. She picked up the phone and looked at the caller id, Ryan. She ended the call. Harani wasn't in the mood to talk. The phone rang again and she ended the call again. She didn't even have to look at the caller id to know it was Ryan. Finally, the phone rang again impatiently. Annoyed, Harani answered the call and put the phone up to her ear. "What?" She said, irritated. She could hear panting on the other side of the line. Long, deep breaths like Ryan was catching his breath. "He's...home." He took another deep breath, "Steven's home".

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