chapter 1.

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I was running away from home. I couldn't stand it anymore. My father drank untill he was drunk everynight ever since my sister died, but still he never wanted to quit in this family. Even though he hates my guts, he has never let anyone quit in this family, but now I have and will not go back to what has been. I was in the same car as her when we hit a tree and when she died and now my father tells me it should have been me who died that night. My father has always though she was better than me, but we did have some good times when he wasn't yelling to me about how I was nothing but a disapointemnt. He had been very close to me as a child, but as I grew older, me and him grew apart.

"He hates you."

The voice inside my head always told me and after everything he put me go through I started to believe it...


My mom was at work and my father was out drinking. It has been two years now since my sister died. I was 11 years old and my sister was 18.

"Where are you, bitch?!"

I heard my father slamming the outdoor close and limping? Yeah, he was limping towards my room or a closet actually. Since she died my father's hate towards me grew and only person who kept me safe was my mother, but she was always working, because my father quit his job and started drinking.

I could now hear his breath on the other side of the door and he opened the door. He came in with a broken bottle of beer.

"Where is she?!"

He yelled/asked me and tears started to roll down his cheeks, but his emotionless, green eyes showed nothing. Inside he was be on being able to fix.

"She's gone, dad. She has been gone for two years now."

I said with a voice so scared that I have never heard anyone speak with.

"Why?! Why is she gone?!"

My father yelled and slapped me.

End of flashback

That was the first time he hit me, but not the last. I'm always asking myself 'where did I go wrong?' and 'what did I do to deserve this?' but I never got an answer to my questions...

I came back from my own world and realised I was still running, but stopped suddenly in the middle of a road and I heard a loud crash. With that everything went black...


Hey! If anyone is reading this I would love to know what you think of it and if anyone has any ideas feel free to comment! I will try to write another chapter every week

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