Missed You

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Nick awoke to the aroma of bacon. He groggily swung his legs over to the side of the bed and rubbed his eyes. For a moment he had to do a double take and make sure he wasn't dreaming. He hadn't woken up to the scent of breakfast in nearly a year. He stood and slowly padded down hall and into the kitchen. He peeked his head around the corner, he didn't really know why, but what he saw brought a smile to his face. Trubel stood at the stove flipping bacon, she had eggs cooking on another burner. Nick just leaned in the doorway and watched, it was amazing how much she'd changed since they met, how far she'd come. Trubel finished, and put it all on two plates she had laid out, she took one in each hand and turned towards the table.

She didn't hear him come in.

"Oh, crap!" She jumped when she saw him,

"Hey Nick." She said taking a breath. "I...uh...guess I'm still a little on edge." She added.

"Sorry." He apologized

Breakfast?" She offered, holding up the plates.

"Yeah, I'd love some." He replied walking to the table and taking a seat.

She put the plates on the table and sat across from him.

"You learned how to cook?" He spoke a slight smile in his face.

"Yeah, Rosalee taught me a little before I left. She answered.

"Well, you did an awesome job because this is delicious!" He stated.


"So...how have you been?" He asked feeling a little awkward.

"You know, the usual. Cheap hotels, Wesen, and decapitations." She replied.

"I figured that string of beheadings was you." He spoke, half-jokingly.

"How about you and everybody?" She inquired.

"Well, Hank is doing well. Rosalee is pregnant. And Wu...is still Wu." He said, laughing a little.

"Wow, I guess I have a little catching up to do." She answered.

"A little bit. Everyone's coming over for dinner tomorrow. They really wants to see you." He smiled.

"Really, I was missed that much?" She asked almost shocked.

"Yes! We all missed you very much." He exclaimed still smiling.

"We love you." He went on.

He paused and looked at her for a moment, her lips formed a gentle smile. He took it in and thoroughly memorized her every feature, there was so much he wanted to say. He wanted to tell her how much he missed her, how much he loved her.

He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the ring of his phone.

He reluctantly answered and listened intently for several seconds.

"Ok, I'll be right there." He said into the phone, before hanging up.

"We got a body. Wu says it's a weird one." He told her.

"You wanna tag along?" He offered.

"Yeah, absolutely...wait are you sure?" She replied.

"Absolutely." He spoke giving knowing smile.

They put their plates in the sink went their separate ways to get dressed.

For the first time in a long time Nick walked out the door feeling confident and happy. With Trubel by his side he felt like he could do anything.


Trubel looked down at the thoroughly crispy body before her.

"The vic's wallet is nothing but ash. We can't get a positive ID yet, but we're running dental records." Wu reported in his usual tone.

Nick nodded.

"By the way it's great to see you again Trubel." Wu added, giving her a pat on the shoulder, before walking away.

"Thanks. You too." She answered.

It's felt odd to her, having so many people who cared. So many who actually wanted her around.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Nick whispered leaning towards her.

"Dämonfeuer." She stated in a hushed tone.

"Yep, at least that's what it looks like." He spoke quietly.


Nick and Trubel chased the dragon-like Wesen through the woods, crashing through endless brush and branches. He bled profusely from multiple deep wounds.

The Dämonfeuer was an assassin sent by the Verrat, he had went on a killing people spree in order to draw Nick out. But now he was fatally wounded and on the run. Trubel pushed herself harder, the trees around her blurred by as she fixed her eyes on him. The Wesen snaked through the think woods, before darting into a pitch black cave off to the right.

Both Grimms threw themselves into the dark cavern, their eyes quickly adjusting to the blackness. The walls where lined with copper rods as well as the ground being littered with a variety of copper items.

So this is where he's been holding up. Trubel thought to herself.

They sprinted after him until they came to a dead end.

"Stay back!" He growled.

He woged and sent a wave of flames in front of him. Nick and Trubel dove out of the way. He woged back to normal and started coughing up blood.

"It's over, give it up. Come peacefully and we'll get you some help." Nick spoke sternly.

The Wesen regained his composure the best he could.

"I will complete my mission and uphold my family's honor. At all costs." He stated, calmly.

Without warning he pulled a gun from his waist band and put it to his head.

"NO!" Trubel yelled and reach out to stop him. But it was too late.

He pulled the trigger.

The gunshot rang out and the explosion roared through the cave.

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