Arriving With a Bang

Start from the beginning

He seemed to be irritated at how happy I was but he didn't react to it much. Lifting his head slightly, showing me his intimidating, stormy blue-grey eyes he finally spoke, slowly and deep. "Turn on the TV and change it to channel 5."

I stared at him dumbfounded which earned me the scariest glare in the world from him.

Just turn on the TV Briella if you don't want to die.

Being the stubborn person I am, I didn't listen to my brain or him.

"Listen here buddy, you can't just come in to my shop and demand that I turn on the TV. A simple please, and I will." I said with my own glare.

Oh crap. Idiot Idiot Idiot! Now you've done it! Say goodbye to Mum and Dad. Say goodbye to Marley and Luke. Say goodbye to NYU and home. Say goodbye to life, IDIOT.

Oh it's not that bad. I looked up at him and he was giving me a blank expression.

Crap it is bad! Bye Mum, Dad, Lukey, Marley. NYU, home. I'm about to be killed by some scary man for opening my big mouth.


Marley, thank you for keeping track of me, for that, I want you to have my collection of twizzlers—wait, what did he say?

"Um okay?" I turned toward the TV and picked up the remote, doing exactly what he told me to do.

I went back to the counter where he still stood and slowly faced the TV confused.

The channel was the news and the headline read, "The 3 Musketeers Arrive With A Bang."

Who is the 3 Musketeers? I looked back at the man and he just gave me the same smug look he had when he entered.

The anchor began speaking, "We are currently following the situation and— OH MY GOSH! Okay, we now have live footage of the chase happening on the bridge."

A live streaming of a dark blue car being chased by what seemed to be the whole New York police department began playing. In the car there was visibly 3 men inside. One was driving while the other two were shooting at the police.

The same news anchor began talking again, "It seems they are headed towards Addison Lane. Police are on the situation now and they ask all residents to stay inside to avoid getting hurt. The 3 Musketeers are known for the violence they bring and this is a serious situation—"

I snapped my head towards the man. "Addison Lane, that's here!"

He just stared at me, waiting for my next reaction. Obviously, I ran out of the coffee shop to watch as a navy blue car came speeding down the street along with sirens and flashing lights.

He was slow to come out as well but eventually he did, just as a loud crash sounded the whole street.

One of the shooters had shot a police car and it went flying into a bike shop just a few stores down from me. The navy blue car then came to a stop and 3 men ran out.

This got the police to all come to a screeching stop. They ran out and began chasing the men into an alleyway. One cop however noticed me and came running towards me.

"Ma'am, you need to go inside! These men are dangerous and you could get hurt!" she yelled at me.

"Uhm of course, let me just get my... friend." I told her.

I turned around and was met with no one. Where did the man go? I started looking around and just when he was about to turn and disappear into the alleyway everyone just ran into, I caught a glimpse of him. Head down, hands in pockets and just like that, he was gone.

"Attention all units, all 3 suspects got away. We're heading back down to—"

The officer by me immediately turned off her walkie talkie and gave me a worried look.

"What?? How could you guys lose them?? You had them! You had one job! Catch these criminals and keep everyone safe." I shouted at her.

"I know ma'am but until then, you have no choice but to stay away from here. The criminals can come back anytime and until we catch them, the whole New York City is in danger," she explained.

"No thanks to you." I quickly went back into the coffee shop but jumped when the elderly couple appeared in front of me out of nowhere with worried looks.

I quickly got rid of my annoyed expression and put on my welcoming face, "Oh gosh! My apologies I forgot you were still here. Well, I speaked to an officer and it appears the criminals got away. They suggest you stay indoors until they catch the bad guys." They stared at me wide eyed and I lost my welcoming mood. "Have a nice day, bye!" I then practically pushed them out then took a seat at a nearby table.

I sighed at how crazy this all was, "You guy's sure did arrive with a bang."


Hiya! Second chapter for ya! Don't you just love a good kickass attitude from a girl tho? Yenno, even if it could get them killed by a random scary guy?

QOTC: Who was that scary guy?

AOTC: Read to find out. Until then, comment your guesses.

Anyway don't forget,




- S. xx

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