Chapter 3

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Edgar's POV:
We looked around. We followed the sound. Keeping Jennifer by my side just in case. "I hear it coming from down there!" Alan said pointing down where the carousel is. Jennifer turned to Ivanna and said "That's where most people got Kidnapped and was never seen again". Ivanna showed no emotion, so we continued down to the carousel. When we arrived we looked around. It was empty. All the people who were here before left. It was just us against the night sky and what lurks in it. "Ok, Come out, Come out where ever you are!" Alan said. We all looked around. All you could hear was the wind. "Are you guys ok?" I asked to reassure myself. "Yeah!" They all said. I tighten my grip on to the steak. "Well, Well!" Some familiar voice said. "You found us!". A Shadowed figure appeared behind the Unicorn on the carousel. "Us?" Jennifer asked. "Yeah us..." He said. And couple more figures appeared. The leader stepped out into the light. I recognized that face anywhere. That was David, the head vampire, or so we thought. What actually happened was that their leader was Max, he owned the video store or whatever. Who would have known, anyways two months ago we killed every last vampire. "We killed you, how are you here?" I yelled. David laughed. "Well you see, when your brother pushed me on to that steak, it wasn't real wood" he said. "Then I revived my brothers here" he pointed out. "Marko!" I said in anger. "I tried telling you dumb mortals, a vampire can never die!" He hissed. I stepped up to him "Oh Yeah we'll see about that!" I said, rising up my steak. "I'll kill your friend again just like I did in that cave of yours!" I said. David grabbed my hand and push me back to Alan and Jenn. "Hey!" Jennifer yelled. Jennifer rose her crossbow at David. She is very handy with one."Put that thing down sweet heart" David said. "Who are these beautiful young woman?" David said, circling Jennifer and Ivanna. "Hey! These are our beautiful young woman!" I yelled back. "Yeah!" Alan agreed. "Aw... Babe you think I'm beautiful?" Jennifer asked rubbing my shoulders. "Yes! But let's not focus on that right now" I turned to her and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. "You need to leave!" Ivanna said. "Yeah! Or well go through this all over again, and I'm pretty sure you don't want that to happen!" Alan said. "Okay, okay.....We'll Leave!" David said smiling. He and his "Brothers" disappeared into the night. Leaving us alone again. "Well now they are gone, for now, I guess we can go back". "Yeah!" Jennifer said. I put my arm around her and all four of us walked back to the comic book store.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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