Omfg, thank ye so much.

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I just read in an article, and saw an interview. So basically, withought the help of Chas, we wouldent have the Jimi we all know an love. Chas met Jimi, Chas became his manager. Told him to move to New York. Then to England. And gave him Mitch Mitchell and Noel Redding, and created The Jimi Henrix Experiance. He produced thier first two albums. He also told them to create Hey Joe, which is my fav Jimi song. But as they were making thier third album, Chas left them, complaning that they spent to much time in the studio (LOL). Then towards the end if Jimi's life, they started becoming friends again. Jimi's sister said that Jimi really wanted Chas to be his manager again.


And also in the article it said that Eric wished he could have had one last drink with him (Chas).

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