Someone Special (Chapter 12)

Start from the beginning

Roman laughed a little.

"My girl..."

"Yeah come on man, I think we all know she's got you whipped."

Roman didn't say anything but agreed with him. Seth stepped between them.

"Ok... whether that's true or not Dean is none of our business. Tonight we all need to be focused, tonight we're facing The Wyatt Family."

"Another reason why I should be worried... Bray Wyatt is the master of mind games."

Roman looked at Dean

"First he tried to brainwash Abby, he called her Sister Abigail and made her think that he was the only one she could trust."

Then he looked at Seth.

"Then he kidnapped Olivia and beat her. That was to get at Seth."

Dean thought this was weird.

"How is it that Bray Wyatt managed to mess with us and our girls?"

"I'm not letting that crazy buzzard follower anywhere near Melody."

Seth cut in.

"As far as I know, Bray doesn't even know that Melody is here. As long as we don't throw around any hints Bray won't know. Now come on. Focus... we're The Shield, lets do what we do best. Lets take out some Wyatts."

They were going to warm up to prepare for their match when Roman's phone went off. Dean and Seth looked back when they realized Roman wasn't following them.

"Hey... Roman, are you coming?"

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch up. I need a minute."

Dean and Seth went to go warm up as Roman looked at his message.

Sorry I took so long to reply. I must have had my phone on silent. I just finished watching a great match between The Prime Time Players and The Lucha Dragons. Everything is fine out here. -Melody

Roman felt a little bit of relief now that he knew that Melody was ok. He smiled as he looked down at his phone and replied back.

Ok good. I'm glad you're enjoying the show. We'll be out in a few minutes. ;) -Roman

Melody read the message he sent back to her and blushed when she saw the winking emoji face. She didn't reply back, but knew that they would talk about the kiss later.

It came time for the main event. The Wyatt Family vs The Shield. The Shield came out first and made their entrance coming down the stairs. Melody was in the front row at ringside again. As they made their way down stairs and came to her, they didn't really give her a fist bump or anything like they did the first time she came. This was because Seth said something about not bringing attention or giving Bray any hints that something was going on with Melody. They wouldn't want Melody to be Bray's target. Melody didn't know about this and when they went by her without really even looking at her it made her feel like they were ignoring her. She shook those thoughts from her head. Surely they weren't ignoring her, they were just focused on their match. If there was anyone that could really beat The Shield, it was The Wyatt Family. The Shield came to WWE first, but The Wyatt Family wasn't far behind, and both factions were trying to become the most dominant force in WWE. If there was one thing the WWE Universe loved, it was a good fight, The Shield and Wyatt Family never disappoint.

Once The Shield's music stopped, the main lights went out and The Wyatt Family music hit. That was when the arena was filled with thousands of people's cell phone lights. People were waving around their cell phone lights to the music. Melody had to wonder if all the people in the arena were fans of Bray Wyatt or if they only held out their cell phone lights because they wanted to feel like a part of something. When the lights came back on and The Wyatt Family were in the ring it seemed like the WWE Universe was split on who they wanted to win. Half of the crowd was chanting Lets Go Wyatts while the other half was chanting Lets Go Shield. Melody smiled and cheered along with the half of the crowd that was chanting Lets Go Shield. Dean starting the match for The Shield and Luke was starting the match for The Wyatts. When The Shield had broke up for a while Dean and Luke would sometimes wear shirts that looked the same. Luke Harper was definitely underrated, but most people liked Dean better. Then at some point both men went to go tag someone else. Dean tagged in Seth, and Luke tagged in Erick. Even though Seth turned his back on The Shield, The WWE Universe forgave him pretty quickly when he wanted to reunite The Shield. The Shield reunited because at the time Seth and Olivia's relationship was just starting out and that was when Bray kidnapped her and Seth needed help getting her back. There needed to be a balance of heels and faces. If Seth was going to be a baby face again, that would mean he would reunite with his real brothers. When The Shield reunited, Triple H thought that was also the perfect time to reunite The Wyatt Family. Dean and Roman had always been brothers and didn't take Seth back right away, but decided to when he showed real concern for Olivia.

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