1-The BLANK revealed

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[Le.PenDu]_ im dead.
[ksk]_I died.
[LUNA]_ I'm dead, lol.
[Maisn.Diev]_ Dead! How? I died?
"They're lvl40 . This is impossible!"
"There invincible"
"What are they, Monsters? So strong for a low lvl."
"How many just died?"

These texts were filling the game text line as more and more virtual gamers were beaten within seconds. 
"How many of us remain?"
"None  what were those four .were they monster??" "They are probably cheating" the gamers said in disbelief seeing all of the players had been defeated by four players. What was most unusual about them was none of the players wrote their names the brackets were left BLANK...

And so they became an urban myth known as "Blank"........

"Aww ....we somehow managed to win" a boy says to his little sister sitting bwside him on the floor while stretching in his chair.

I'll introduce to you the lead characters so that it doesn't cause you anu confusion. ..

The boy....name SORA, age 18 , virgin, has communication disorder as he don't get out much, NEET, Game-Obsessed. He has a lean body and reddish brown hair.and red silt eyes.

The little sister name SHIRO, age 11 , also Game-Obsessed and has communication disorder same as her brother Sora. Her attire consist of a school uniform that has a short white cape with red outline. A blue blazer end short skirt, but she does not go to school. She has silvery blue hair that reaches her waist. Her eyes are

Both of them are the maniacs controlling the four blank account players.

***there u go ... I just wanted to give you a hint of their appearance so that it does noy cause any trouble with identifying them ....
Hehe... so enjoy the rest of the story ***

"Hey sis could you stop controlling the main account with your feet" said Sora.
"Sorry onii-chan but im hungry." Shiro replys while eating instant made noodles.
"Huh now that you mention that im also starving"he groaned in hunger. Shiro hands him a food bar which he accepts gladly.
"Hey sis what's the time now" Sora asks. "Its 8 in the morning" Shiro replys yawning.

Time skip....

Sora looks at the computer screen as the next and last level of the game is reached.
Sora became pumped up knowing they were gonna be winning . He looks at Shiro thinking she will also be interested on the last level but sweat drops seeing Shiro handing over the other two controllers and dosing-off.

"Whaat..hey Shiro dont do this without you I cannot win this..." Sora wines.
"Both my hands are controlling the other two players .................
hey Shiro how do you think I can cotrol all four by myself. ...." Sora protests.
"Use your feet "Shiro replys and sleeps leaving Sora  stunned.
"Yes I can do this .. Shiro beleives in me .. so just wait Shiro your brother is definitely gonna win this for sure " Sora replys with determination and starts playing.

Time skip.........

"I finally won .. heh.....hehe."
Sora groans in amusement finally finishing the game.

Time skip.....

Sora is totally worn out and is resting his head on the seat looking at Shiro who is already asleep.
When suddenly they receive a message causing them both even Shiro who was asleep to glare at their computer.

Sora opens the message . The sender had no identity. It stated ( Have you siblings ever thought you were born in the wrong world?)
This question startled the two of them especially tje fact that the sender knows that the Blank is actually the two siblings.

"Onii-san who could that be from? " Shiro asks in a worried tone. "Only one way to find out Shiro" Sora replys while sending a reply to the person who texted them.

Soon another message appears stating (do you want to play a game?) And out of nowhere a game of chess appears on the computer screen. Which causes the two siblings to smirk. Sora stands up from his chair and allows Shiro to sit in it.

Shiro begins but halfway through Sora also joins bu taking Shiro in his arms sitting in the chair and putting Shiro in his lap which causes her to blush and pulls down her short skirt. But instantly becomes serious turning back to the game and both of them states on unision "let the game begin" both of them together swiftly finishes the game and once again states in unison "BLANK will never lose"

After their statement they received another consecutive messages stating ... (is you world fun) (do you wish that you could be reborn onto a world in which only gaming matters?.)

"If there were such a world I wouldn't mind being reborn"Sora replys boldly.

Suddenly everything around them starts to glitch and  turn into darkness.

***hey a readers  this is the first chapter and hope this was entertaining for u guyz...
Even of you think that this was boring, already knew what will happen , this is ridiculous. ..then JUST CUT ME SOME SLACK  cuz im only 15 yrs old and I just now began writing as I became interested by it so all of this is veru rare n new for me . If any reader wants to make a statement just comment and ill pay heed to that and once again  hope you all enjoy this .

I'll be updating the next chapter sooner than you know it so see ya or should I say read ya..... hehe...

#(×_×) that was sincerely a bad joke even from me  so sorry and bye until next time.... goodbye even when I hate to say goodbyes..***

Peace out (^-^)

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