CHAPTER-17: The love at first flight!

Start from the beginning

"You haven't said a word since we got into your super luxurious private jet." said Sam, trying to start a conversation.

"Well, what can I say? I'm a man of few words!" joked Alex.

She looked at him, properly, for the first time since they'd met. His enthralling, champagne-brown eyes always had her engrossed in them, but she wasn't letting herself get lost in them anymore. She wanted to get to know Alex, not his eyes.

"So, tell me more about yourself, Alex." said Sam.

"I'm an open book, Sam. You can know whatever you want to if you Google my name, maybe even more than what I could possibly tell you!" said Alex, sounding hurt.

"I know it's hard when you can't even have your morning tea without the paparazzi drooling all over you." said Sam, trying to comfort him.

"Hard is an understatement!" said Alex, full of sarcasm.

"Tell me more about the Alex whom I wont find on the internet, the real Alex." said Sam, as she sat up straight to listen to his side of the story.

"Apart from what you can find on Google, Sam, there's nothing much! I'm just a normal guy, tying to live his normal life. There's nothing really charming about that, is there?" asked Alex, his honest eyes penetrating deep into hers.

She looked at him and felt as if she would be safe with him. Then she quickly retrieved herself from the magic of his sparkling eyes to answer his question.

"A normal guy.." paused Sam, as if in disapproval. She looked at Alex to see his reaction. Alex seemed quite disheartened and looked the other way.

"sounds pretty charming to me!" said Sam, completing her sentence and as she laughed and got up from her seat, while playfully taking the book that he was reading from his hands.

"Hey! Sam! Give my book back!" shouted Alex as he turned back to see Sam go sit on one of the window seats at the back.

"If you want it, then come and get it!" she giggled as she sprung up from the seat where she was sitting, as if she was getting ready to run.

"Seriously, Sam? You want me to chase you in a moving plane?" asked Alex as he approached her.

Sam felt like a little child who was denied to play 'ice-water' by a parent. She fell back on her chair with disgust.

"Then chasing it is!" said Alex as he ran towards her seat. Sam was taken aback but she ran as fast as she could with his book in one hand.

They were running from one corner to another, like children and Alex was running a little slow so that Sam could get the satisfaction of winning.

"Is that all you got? Huh? Stud!" asked Sam, as she stopped for a minute to challenge Alex.

"You have no idea!" said Alex as his eyes narrowed and he ran at full speed to catch the culprit. Sam knew at that moment that he would definitely catch her if she didn't create a distraction.

"Look! A bird just hit the window!" giggled Sam, hoping that Alex would fall for her bluff as she continued to run a little farther from him.

She was just hoping that it would give her enough time to create a safe distance between her and Alex. She continued to run, looking towards Alex, who was looking through the window, trying to see where the bird came from. She didn't watch her step and almost tripped.

"Gotcha!" said Alex, as he caught her right before she fell on the floor of the aeroplane.

"I knew you were bluffing Sam! It's too easy to tell whether or not you're telling the truth!" said Alex, who was still holding on to her.

 He was so close to her that she could smell his sweet, musky cologne and a little bit of sweat. She got a really good look at his face.

His cheeks were chiselled, like a finely-carved Michelangelo statue. His nose was perfectly symmetrical. His lips were slightly full: the kind that ended in a cute little smirk at the corners. The rays of sun highlighted the dimples on his cheeks. He was quite a stunner.

They exchanged a few admiring stares until the plane suddenly gave a jolt and both of them were down on the floor laughing.

"You should know that I let you win, Alex!" giggled Sam as she teased him.

"Oh yeah?" asked Alex, as he turned towards her.

"Yeah! The whole 'ordinary guy' speech made me feel sorry for you." said Sam, with a pitiful expression on her face.

"How about a second round then, miss athlete?" said Alex.

Sam sprung from the floor of the aeroplane and the two of them continued with their game.

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