It was honestly whatever. 

“Your music's a little loud.” I jump in surprise at a sudden voice and the basketball goes flying out of my hands. “And irritating.” I turn around to find Lacey standing near the other basketball hoop. 

“Don't like it?” I grin. 

Lacey shakes her head. “No, not really.” I chuckle but walk over to the stereo, shutting the music off. “Do you play?” Lacey asks, nodding her head to the hoop. 

“Used to.” 

Lacey nods then turns around. “Seth?” I nod. “Thanks.” She pauses as she looks over her shoulder. “For everything.” She then walks back into her yard. 

For everything? 


“Hey man, its your girl,” Ryan says as he nods his head, I look over my shoulder to see Lacey walking across the grass. 

I roll my eyes push Ryan's shoulder back. “Shut up dude.” 

“Have you tried making a move?” Shay asks. 

I nod. “We went on a date last week.” 

Ryan goes wide eyes. “Whoa! And why are we last to hear about this?!” He exclaims. 

I never tell them about these things but Ryan over reacts about it and practically shoves it in my face that I like a girl every opportunity he gets, Keith always just sits back and smirks at me the 'You're falling in love' look and the 'You judged me' look, and Shay...She'll just go girly on our asses. Sure, eventually they'll know, like now, but it wasn't like I was never going to tell them. I love my friends but man they just over react sometimes. 

“Whatever.” I chuckle when Ryan pretends to cry, he smiles and laughs. 

“She keeps on looking over here, they're small glances but she's still glancing.” Shay announces and the stupid guys we are, all look over at Lacey. She though wasn't looking over at the moment, so we were safe. She was just leaning against a chair, arms crossed over her chest, and a deep thoughtful look on her face. I'm suddenly pushed forward, I stumble over my feet, but luckily keep my balance. “Well? Don't be stupid like Ryan and bring her over here, we still have at least 10 minutes till first bell.” Shay bosses. I stick my tongue out at her but walk over to Lacey. She snaps out of her trance and gives me a little smile. 

I thrust my hands in my pockets. “You know you can come over until first bell, we don't bite.” I chuckle. Lacey shrugs, I roll my eyes and rest one of my hand on the tree behind Lacey, I lean closer to her and she looks up at me with wide eyes. 

Now that I think about it, she wasn't that much shorter then me. Seeing as I was nearly 6'3, she had to be at least 5'6 if not 5'7. I'm not into tall girls but damn her legs are the ladders to heaven.

Broken PiecesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora