Chapter 2 (Ace)

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"You have to have a picture of her. She's your niece." I ask. She doesn't answer me and keeps her head down. This angers my wolf and I. 

I sit across from my mate's aunt. She remains unresponsive, unwilling to say anything with a fear of ratting out her brother and his family. 

We've waited to move in and question her for years, hoping that they would come. For some reason, no visitors since the day my mate was taken by me that relate to my search at all. Of course, family would be too obvious, so I finally made the call to go in. 

She must have known we were on to her, as we found her last call was to someone in California. Her calls have never been long enough to trace, yet today, it was nearly triple the time we needed. She also has a few bags packed near the door. It's not much, but something livable.

"I WANT TO SEE MY MATE!" I yell. I pick up a lamp and throw it at the wall. My wolf is starting to get angry and wants control over the situation. 18 years without a mate after meeting them puts anyone's wolf on edge. Especially a king's wolf. 

It shatters and, looking down at the scattered glass, I realize something. The lamp was a fake. Where can you even buy a fake lamp?

In the midst of the broken lamp pieces, is a book. Almost like a scrap book.

"NO!" She jumped from the couch to get the book. But, fortunately for me, I was faster.

The men retrieve her and move her back to the couch. She is struggling against their hold. This is the first movement made by her since trying to escape when we first arrived. The book is something she really doesn't want me to see. This might be another lead to my mate. 

"What's in this book, huh? Why's it so important?" I ask her. Her knees are scraped with glass sticking out of them and I feel bad for her. She is hurting, separated from her only family and her mate is dead. She has nothing and no one. I can almost relate. My mate isn't dead but not being able to hold her, love her or even know if she's okay, that hurts.

"Noah, help her and tend to her wounds. Wouldn't want her to heal with glass in her knees. No matter how long they keep my mate from me, they're my family, too." He nods back at me. 

Noah is the second oldest and second in line for the throne. He and his twin brother Seth along with both of their mates are traveling with me now. Both the girls are with my two youngest who are also twins. Brendan is looking for his mate, hence why my father sent him with us. Tuesday, his twin, and the youngest has found hers and they're soon going to be sent back to the palace. 

My dad is using the excuse of this search as royals looking for their mates. One by one, I watched every sibling find theirs, leaving me alone. My father is too embarrassed to tell the truth that it's his fault she is gone, so he has placed a bounty on my mate's parent's heads. Very few people actually know that the fugitive on the run is my mate. Everyone is actively looking for her.

The only reason Noah and Seth are with me is because until I find my mate and have kids first, my siblings can't have any. It's devastating for my siblings and the mates who come into my family as they dream of having kids. So, they as well as my other siblings are just as invested in the search.

I turn, and walk into her kitchen. Her house incredible for one person. I sit at the dark, wooden table and start looking through the pages of this book. They're notes. After each note is a Polaroid. 

I got a letter today. I have decided to document these small things so I can know where to go in case I am found out and need to find them.

My brother has sent me this picture of my beautiful niece with an explanation as to why they are doing this.

Underneath the picture was a state.

New Jersey

I look at the picture. It looks like she was close to one in this picture. That isn't too long after she left. I flip through the book, watching her grow up through pictures. As they progress and she gets older, she gets sadder

On the last page, there she is. The date is only a few weeks ago. a tear slides down my face. I wipe my face, not wanting anyone to see me this weak. Looking at the bottom of the page, there is another state there.


That's where you are going next, little mate? It's a big state, but I'll find you. This time, I'll make sure you never want to leave. We'll grow old together and rule over our subjects with a fierce yet kind hand.

I'll make her parents see how I am nothing like I was at 5 and regret taking her from the kind of life she could have had. I will also show them that I will be a king so far away from the way my father ruled. 

The aunt might have had plans to leave and follow them, but my men are taking her to the castle and keep her there. Not to lock her up completely. Offer her a nice room with lavish meals and being able to move around as needed, just making sure we can watch her.

My brothers walks in and heads over to me. "We got a call from one of the ranks in California. His son informed him that he spotted the girl at a diner there. This means they're in California." I smile. It's nice to know at least what state she's in and that she's okay

"Ace, this could be a major leap in finding her. What do you want to do?"

"Get the cars! We're heading to California." I turn to the twins. "Tell your mates they won't have to wait much longer! I'll do everything in my power to find her as soon as I can."

He smiles at me. "You know what call you have to make in order to narrow down your search."

I almost have her. California is only a short flight away from here. They're already banned from any air traffic, limiting them to the states. 

I am so close to finding her, I can just feel it. 

"Close off California."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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