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We all stand precariously on the edge between darkness and light...
And when we fall,
we are greeted only by madness and chaos

The sound of screaming citizens and loud gunshots pierced through the once peaceful city. Flames licked the city streets, engulfing the sky in a cloud of thick grey smoke. Enemy imperial airships filled the skies above, raining soldiers upon the innocent people. Insomnia was a place the people of Lucis once called home, but now it was a battleground, a place of bloodshed reeking with the smell of death.
The young Prince stood among the crowd of his people as they ran past him in an attempt to save their lives. His weapon gripped in his gloved hand, so tightly to the point his knuckles were turning white.  Watching his city slowly burn to the ground, Noctis' eyes began to glow red. Burning rage ran through the Prince's veins, sending his blood bubbling to a boil.
"Down on your knees you filthy scum!"

The roaring voice caught Noctis attention and instantaneously, his crimson irises locked onto an enemy soldier who was holding onto a civilian.
"No, please spare me!" the young man cried, his face drenched with tears as he tried to pull his arm away. But the soldier's grip only tightened in response, his metal fingers dug deep into the man's flesh releasing a cry of pain from the civilian. Unlike the man, the soldier did not flinch. This was the true nature of their foes. It was as if all emotion had been drained from their very being, locking what was left in their hearts within their metal cages; it was like they weren't even human anymore.
The sight of watching one of his own being threatened by the enemy struck a chord within Noctis, his burning gaze intensified as he stared down upon the enemy soldier. Tightening his grip on the hilt of his sword, the young Prince lifted his legs to run to the man but to his disbelief he couldn't move. His feet were stuck to the ground, and no matter how hard he tried to run and pull, he couldn't budge from the concrete pavement. Noctis' eyes widened in shock. "What?"
"I said down!"

At the sound of the voice, Noctis looked up just in time to see the enemy soldier throw the innocent civilian to the ground. The young man cowered in fear and quickly made an attempt to escape, his fingers started clawing at the concrete pavement and his were nails chipping away being replaced by dirt as he tried to pick himself up and run. But his plans of escape had come to an end when metal hands grabbed onto him by the end of his hairs, pulling, and dragging him back down to his knees. 

A yell of agonizing pain ripped through the man's throat. "No, please--"

"Silence!" the soldier growled, and threw the civilian to the floor once more. Bringing his foot up, he stomped upon the helpless man, who was powerless against the steel bottom of the soldier’s boots. The man withered in pain as the soldier crushed the bones that protected his beating organ.
"Please.." the man gasped out, bringing his hands up to grip at the metal boots.  His breathes turned into hoarse pants as he struggled to breath out what was left in his lungs. The fear in his eyes grew evident, as his desire to live was the only thing that ran through his veins.
But his pleads were ignored. Behind the metal helmet, the soldier's lips pulled into a vicious smirk. Slowly, he pointed his rifle towards the man, his finger looping around the gun's trigger. "This will teach you to be silent." he hissed.

Noctis' eyes widened, he knew what was going to happen next. Opening his mouth he let out a loud yell. But his voice could no longer reach the man for it was drowned by the sound of a loud bang. 

. . .

"No!" Noctis' shot up from his bed and gasped loudly. His body was drenched in sweat as his chest heaved up and down gasping for air. Frantically he looked around but only saw the familiar surroundings as his room. It was then he came to realization; it was just a nightmare.

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