"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Paris, France. The local time is 6:47 am and the temperature is 64 degrees F. For your safety, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the..."

"Paris Paris Paris" I say with excitement.

"Ahhhh this will be amazing!" squeaks Jim.

"On behalf of American Airlines, we'd like to thank you for flying with us. We are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day!" finishes the flight attendant.

The plane keeps taxing for a few minutes, until it reaches the gate. Jim and I take out things and quickly shoot out of the plane. We walk and walk and walk. We pass through customs, then head over to the baggage claim area, pick up our luggage, and go outside to get a taxi.

A taxi finally parks in front of us, and the driver shoots out of the car, helping us with the luggage.

"Bonjour," he says.

"Bonjour," I reply. I look at Jim, and he has a huge smile on his face. I smile back at him, and get in the car.

"Parlez-vous français ?" asks the man, as he gets in the car.

"Oui. Je parle français, mais il ne parle pas français," I reply.

"Ohh. Parfait. Oú allez-vous ?" he asks.

The man is asking where are we going, and I reply that we are going to the hotel Napoleon. "Pouvez-vous nous prendre à l'hôtel Napoléon, s'il vous plaît ?"

"Oui oui," he says, starting to drive.

I look at Jim, and realize that the smile doesn't leave his face.

"Incredible," he says. "Absolutely incredible."

I smile at him. "Thank you."

"Oú est-ce que vous venez?" asks the man.

"What did he say?" asks Jim.

"He is asking where we are coming from."

"Ohhh," says Jim.

"Nous venons des États-Unis," I reply.

"Ahhh! Alors, l'homme qui est assis à côté de vous est Jim Parsons ?!" he asks.

"Oui oui c'est lui," I reply. The man asked if Jim Parsons is sitting next to me, and I answered that he is.

"J'aime la Théorie du Big Bang," he says.

"Hey, Jim," I say. "The man says he loves The Big Bang Theory."

"Oh oh...M-merrrrrci," tries Jim.

I laugh a little, and then Jim laughs, too. "Nice," I say.

"Ohhhhh really," says Jim in a sarcastic tone.

"Vous êtes sa copine ?" asks the man.

"Ohh...non non non. Jim est mon meilleur ami seulement." The man asked if I am Jim's girlfriend, and as always, I painfully answered that he is just my best friend.

"Ahhh, ton ami seulement ?" he asks.


"Hmmm...Il est ton ami seulement, mais vous êtes amoureuse avec lui," he says.

I think about it for a moment. Do you think Jim might understand what the man and I are talking about?...No I don't really think so. "Oui," I reply, after pausing for a few moments. "Je suis très amoureuse avec lui."

Blindfold (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now